

  • Awesome, thanks for all of the replies!! I think once I'm done with my first order I will look into buying the two powders and making my own!
  • "4 pack of cheddar crackers with peanut butter-130 calories" It would be most helpful to you if you stay away from processed foods. This means no cheddar crackers with peanut butter or anything else packaged in plastic wrap or a box (cookies, snack cakes...). Fill up on quality foods that will keep you full longer so you…
  • I agree strength training is KEY to any weight loss and fitness routine. I also know not to let the numbers fool me if my fitness is heavy on strength training, if I am toning my muscles properly the numbers on the scale may not move a lot but the size of my clothing will certainly go down. I focus more on toning and…
  • Sometimes I like to just spritz lemon on my salad. That mixed with the juice from the tomatoes makes a pretty great dressing with no fat!
  • Picking back up on Tracy's Method video! It's pretty great and I really feel it the next day!
  • I LOVE coffee so much!! I'm totally addicted to the caffeine though and that is bad. I only drink two cups a day, but if I make it past noon with no coffee yet, I end up with a massive migraine and am miserable the rest of the afternoon. I can't even begin to think of how I would ween myself off of it. I did stop putting…