Food changes that you genuinely start enjoying

I have a salad everyday for lunch at work which I really like and I use hummus as my 'dressing'. Well two days ago I thought I was out of hummus so I just went without. Today I found the hummus in the fridge (where it was the whole time, derp!) and when I had my salad with it I realised that I actually PREFER my salad without any dressing. I never EVER would've thought I would actually prefer no dressing! I'm quite amazed, and delighted :) My old self (even as recently as last week!) would've scoffed at this!

Anyone else had these kind of discoveries that took you by surprise?


  • sc0ttie
    sc0ttie Posts: 29
    Eggs, black beans, steamed veggies, and fresh salads.
  • Sometimes I like to just spritz lemon on my salad. That mixed with the juice from the tomatoes makes a pretty great dressing with no fat!