cassiper Member


  • Infertility here too. Have you had your Thyroid checked and been checked for PCOS? I have PCOS and hypothyroidism and it is a killer for weight and fertility. King's Island!? You must live close to there if it's your fave park. I live in Ashland, Kentucky! Riding theme park rides is a big motivator for me... I've given up…
  • I attended my first OA meeting online tonight and it was not painful at all. It's good to hear the stories of others. Good luck!
  • Don't take this as a negative thing, but it sounds like maybe you need to talk to someone to resolve underlying issues with your binging. I know I do... I have the same problem. There is also OA (Overeaters Anonymous) that you could check into. They work a 12-step program and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. Good luck and…