

  • Regarding your thyroid and weight issues, I have found the book, "Why to I still have thyroid issues when my lab test are normal" by Dr. Kharrazian to be an eye opener. You might want to check it out.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. A year ago I started at 232.5. In over 7 months I lost 53 pounds. Then I injured myself and gained back 13 pounds. I really want to lose the weight too and get down to 150. We can do it!
  • Do you eat before your workout or after? I've been told to eat a healthy carb before workout and protein after. Sometimes I feel like my blood sugar drops too. My chiropractor suggested eating a 1/2 tsp or so of raw organic honey before my workout to help stabilize my blood sugar.
  • You are probably not eating enough. Yes, I know that sounds strange that you have to eat to lose, but there is a lot of research out there that supports this. If you cut your calories back too much, this will slow your metabolism down even though you are exercising. Thus, this makes it much harder to lose weight. When I…
  • For the brownies, try a black bean brownie recipe. Yes, black bean brownies! Just google it and you will find some great recipes for this.
  • One possible explanation for an enlarged thyroid could be hypothyroidism which is when you have an under-active thyroid. The treatment is to take a daily dose of Synthroid type medication which is no big deal to do. I had a goiter (enlarged thyroid) when I was 18 years old (over 20 years ago). One symptom of an…
  • Cinnamon and/or raisins.
  • I love juicing using organic carrots, 1 small gala organic apple, celery, spinach, and sometimes I add a little fresh ginger. Yum!