

  • Yeah for just being overweight. Goodbye Obesity! Congratulations. You're well on the way to your goal. :laugh:
  • Maybe meeting with a dietician would help. I think they can look at the whole picture and give some suggestions to complement the good things you are doing. You are doing so much though that I can understand the discouragement. We are all behind you though, so don't give up. Good for all that you are doing.:smile: :smile:…
  • I love it. This is one for not only the dudes but everyone. I just joined my fitness pal a few days ago and just wrote some of the same feelings on my log. I'm glad that you have taken back control of your life. :happy:
  • You are an inspiration for me. Thanks for sharing your story and especially the pictures. There's no lying in a picture. I have lost a large (excuse the pun) amount of weight three times, and here I am trying to do it again. It's easy to lose my resolve, but not when I hear your achievement. Keep posting your success…