

  • Very well said. It's not a diet - you should eat like this for the rest of your life. Well, you'll be able to eat a few more calories once you've reached your goal but you still have to be relatively disciplined in order to maintain a healthy weight. It's not like you can hit goal & suddenly start eating take-out 3 times a…
  • Out of curiosity, why is the fact that it's dark outside in the morning preventing you from exercising? If it's a safety issue, you could always do an aerobic/cardio video like Walk Away the Pounds. Just a thought from a fellow working mom. :)
  • I"m similar to most people who have posted so far. I space my food out every 3-4 hours so my blood sugar doesn't crash.
  • YES! That's IT! It's become the norm for you, just another part of your day. Automatic. Good for you!
  • I agree with what so many have already said - get up earlier. For the past 5 years, I have woken up at 5:30/5:45am every weekday to work out. It takes a few months to get used to doing it, but once you do, it becomes automatic - I don't even debate with myself, I just get up because I tell myself I have to (just like I…