partdeux Member


  • MPF seem to give everyone 1200. I am eating about 1400, does anyone know how you can change this manually so I can log accurately?
  • I weigh myself daily too but for some reason I record it weekly. I am not sure why, but anyway I am glad I do it daily because Saturday I had lost a pound and on Sunday I had put one on so instead of breaking down and crying on Sunday I was OK! Your graph is so awesome, I am totally going to start logging it daily now!
  • I could give this a go? Is is 3 times a week? I could do C25k on 3 days and my No more trouble zones on my other days?
  • Hiya, Thanks for your reply. It's the longest slog ever, especially now I have had kids and I'm over 30! I am going to try and mix up my workouts a bit I think, and I don't think I eat enough so will look more carefully at my calories. x
  • I also struggle in the evening. The best way I get around it is to plan my meals in advance, and try not to use too many for lunch. I always have a salad with protein OR a vegetable soup for example. Then I usually get home from work at 5:30pm, have a cuppa to fill up a bit and loads of water then I put the kids to bed, do…