You're thinking about putting a gps somehow in his car and you're still wondering why he is deleting his browser history? So you don't trust him and want trust from him? I think there is the problem.
I like Coke Zero more than Diet Coke.But I prefer Pepsi Maxx. I am a coffeine junky.
Wow, you're all so amazing and inspirational.
Oh, yeah, many northern German probably look kind of funny when you use bavarian vocabs. Come from North Rhine Westphelia and can't understand the most Bavarian people when they have a strong dialect. But they say I speak a really strong "Ruhrpott" Dialect, asweel. My English accent is horrible (at least that says my…
Wow! That is just amazing. Great job. And I can just confirm niecyc. You really don't look tired just fantastic.
That is really a great victory! Awesome :) Good luck with the next 15. You can do it!
Wow, great job :) It is great that you did this together!
As I had it a couple of years ago, did more weight training for the upper body and after my doc gave me the okay, I started with swimming first and I just can recommend it, because I had to build strengh at this part so it could support me at other workouts (I had really problems with Tae Bo and stuff like that, because I…
Ich war ein Aupair. Da war ich wirklich viel aktiv und es gab halt so viele coole Sachen, die ich entweder mit den Kiddis machen wollten oder einfach so ausprobieren wollte, wo man aktiv sein konnte (snowtubing <3). Außerdem muss ich sagen, dass ich für mein halbes Jahr in NC keine driver Licence dort gemacht habe (wäre…
Hey ya, I'm Jenni and a German Metalhead. I grow up with Twisted Sisters, Black Sabath and similar stuff from the LP collection of my uncle. Now I'm mostly listening to bands like Blind Guardian, children of Bodom, Nightwish, Finntroll, ASP, Letzte Instanz, and Mono Inc. So... I don't really have a genre which I like…
Great NSV! Can understand that this motivates you!
Wow, you look amazing! Great job and best wishes on your way to your goal weight :) Hope the foot is healing good.
Wow. Great work! @ all of you!
I think that the appeareance of the face is one the reasons,too. My brother lost 30 kg and the first two to three month he just looked ill, because the skin wasn't as thight as normally, because all the fat was away. After a few month it was tighter and looked much healthier, even the weight didn't changeanymore.
Wow. Awesome. You just look so great! Nice Work!
That is great! I know from my dad how difficult this is. Good work!
You look so amazing! Great Job!
In Germany it is common that you can't use the pool floats, too. But in quite a few pools you can buy them there, too.
Wow, you're looking so good. Congrats! And it is really great that you support each other! :) Wish you the best for the rest of your way!
Congrats! That is just really great!
You look great! Congrats!
I have to lose the half of me. I'll send you a request :)
Hey an alle :) Ich hoffe, euch geht es besser als mir *lach* Mich hats leider total erwischt :/ @ Kathy: Ohja, dass denke ich mir auch ganz oft. *seufz* Aber wir packen das! LoL. Ich habe auch ein Jahr in den Staaten gelebt (aber an der Ostküste) und kenne ähnliche Geschichten. Als ich bei etwa 40 Grad in Kalifornien im…
Hey, ich bin auch hier (aber recht neu, da ich mich erst heute registriert habe). :) Mein Name is Jenni, ich bin 24 Jahre alt, komme auch aus dem Ruhrgebiet und studiere Geschichte und Anglistik. :) Abnehmen möchte ich knapp 60 kg. :/ Gosh, die Zahl klingt so gewalltig, dass sie mir doch etwas angst macht. Aber ich bin…
Wow. that is fantastic :) Congrats!