

  • Exercise wise not doing a lot as I had a dislocated knee 2 years ago and it causes me a lot of pain so under surgeons orders walking & gentle bike riding only.
  • Hi guys thanks again for advice and I do agree with you all I am not eating enough:) I have upped my calories to 1400 so will see what happens. I also spoke to doctor who is going to do some bloods. Will keep you informed x
  • Thanks for replies. 10 weeks ago before op and giving up smoking I was 10stone size 12. 4 weeks of eating rubbish and being sofa bound and I now weigh 10.10. This hasn't changed in 5 weeks, as for exercise I had a bad knee dislocation in 2011 and am only able to walk or cycle. Due to being frustrated about lack of weight…
  • Hi guys thanks for all your replies. The only diet I have ever successfully lost weight on is the rosemary Conley, start with 2 weeks at 1200 calories to kickstart then my allowance after that was 1480 and it worked. I am going to carry on using this app as its great but do the RC diet, I can only hazard a guess that may e…
  • sorry not on any meds anymore but had the merina coil fitted for the first time 9 weeks ago, don't know if this can cause weight gain or not
  • hi no i don't drink vodka neat i drink it with diet tonic or soda water so i don't put it in as its no calories, i was cycling and walking daily but i had a bad knee dislocation 2 years ago so it flares up and then i have to stop. i wasn't putting in calories regular as i was using a different app but went back to this…
  • hi guys thanks so much for replies. I am 100% anal about tracking what i have eaten, i weigh & measure everything and am so strict on myself. i have never not lost weight like this before. i forgot to mention when i had my operation i was 10 stone, i put on 10lbs in 4 weeks due to being housebound and giving up smoking…
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