cant lose weight no matter what



  • mdev1
    mdev1 Posts: 18 Member
    sorry not on any meds anymore but had the merina coil fitted for the first time 9 weeks ago, don't know if this can cause weight gain or not

    I wasn't able to find anything relating the Merina Coil to a chemical reaction that would cause weight gain. Many mistakes with calorie counting arerelated to counting the small stuff. For example, you cooked your eggs with a tsp of butter but only recorded the eggs, you added mustard to your sandwich, grabbed a small handful of peanuts, and so on. I always add about 5-10% over what I record because I don't track that stuff. Also, the amount of calories burned varies depending on your activity level. If you are very sedentary, you will not have a very high metabolism to begin with. If you are consistently eating too little, your body will adapt to that.

    It also matters when and how you eat. In general it's typically best to spread out your intake throughout the day and stop eating at least 2-3 hours before going to bed. The idea is to be active from the last meal until you put down for the night. If you eat 500 cals and lay on the couch then lay in bed, that's almost the same as eating right before going to sleep.

    The easiest way to kick this mule is to pick up the excising a notch and change what you are eating. After dinner drink a cup of coffee, if possible 2-3 hours before bed time (caffeine will help to suppress the appetite), and go for a fast walk. Eat something small every 2-3 hours and avoid foods that cause a large increase in glucose levels. Bread and pasta tend to really bump up glucose levels for example - absolutely no soda or juices like apple juice. Hi protein diets are also a way to force your body to go after the fat stores (i.e., Atkins).

    I can tell you personally, that at one point I was down to 1,200 net calories a day and could not loose weight. I increased my intake to double that and didn't gain back more than 8 lbs during the transition period. Now I generally eat about 2,000 cals a day and I'm dropping weight again. However, I exercise a lot - at least 1 hour of jogging every day and weight lifting at least 2-3 times a week. It's the combination of exercise and diet that yields results for me.
  • gollyd
    gollyd Posts: 15
    What is TDEE.....or whatever the acronym is????
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Folks there can be legitimate disagreements about 1200 vs tdee, but this is not one of them. This member has been on MFP for five weeks and is unable to lose any weight. There is no way that at least in the beginning weeks to months that she should not have seen weight come off.

    You should consult a doctor. You don't say what your weight is, but I see that you are only looking to lose 17 pounds. That means there might be very little wiggle room between your maintenance calories and your weight-loss calories. And if that's the issue, exercise is probably the most logical, healthy and helpful step to increase the difference between the two.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I can vouch for the fact that's for some like me and the OP it's not always that simple. I exercise daily although I lead an otherwise sedentary lifestyle and don't drop any weight unless I go low on the calories. I've been on here for 4.5 months so way longer than 5 weeks and have figured out the my TDEE with exercise is 1650 and I only lose if I get down to around 1200. I've been trying to eat more for weeks but I gained weight I'd lost on lower calories and now only lose if I go down to 1200 again. This week I've been experimenting by eating lower carbs, lower sodium and 1350 on average and it's Thursday and I've still seen no weight loss.

    Like the OP i only want to lose around 25lbs so maybe that's why I can't eat more as my TDEE is lower than online calculators estimate but it's really not easy.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    hi guys thanks so much for replies. I am 100% anal about tracking what i have eaten, i weigh & measure everything and am so strict on myself. i have never not lost weight like this before. i forgot to mention when i had my operation i was 10 stone, i put on 10lbs in 4 weeks due to being housebound and giving up smoking which made me eat everything in site. i am very active i am a chef (and no before you ask i don't pick, i keep sugar free gum in my mouth all day so i don't) but i do stand up 8 hours a day for work. i havent weighed in this week but if i don't lose weight on weigh in day as this week i did the 5:2 diet i think i may go and see the doctor.

    Your calorie allowance seems awfully low for a chef who is very active! Have you set up your activity level correctly? Just a thought!
  • tlpower
    tlpower Posts: 8
    Thanks for replies. 10 weeks ago before op and giving up smoking I was 10stone size 12. 4 weeks of eating rubbish and being sofa bound and I now weigh 10.10. This hasn't changed in 5 weeks, as for exercise I had a bad knee dislocation in 2011 and am only able to walk or cycle. Due to being frustrated about lack of weight loss 2 weeks ago I went mad and completely over did it so am now in a lot of pain damaged my tendons gain and have lots of fluid so back to resting!!!!! I can't seem to do anything right at moment.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i put myself on 1200, since that is the lowest reccomended cal intake for women.

    Who determined this? Are there any journal articles that say this? I've been looking for where this arbitrary number came from and find it no where. I find the number to be passed along as gospel when in my ongoing search it just seems to be some number. Without taking into account the height of the woman or person for that matter there is no way to say that calories can go this low and no further.

    PER MY MD OF OVER 15 YEARS, WHOM I TRUST, as well as The National Institute of Heath.

    I'm glad you trust your MD and there's no need to shout. My intent is not to change your mind or anyone else's. I'm trying to find the source of this number. Would you have the studies from the NIH detailing this? I've searched and found nothing from the NIH, WHO, or anywhere else. I've found diets that use this number but no where that cites where or when this number was determined to be the lowest a woman regardless of height should go.

    If anyone has any studies or info on where the 1200 calorie number came from I would greatly appreciate it. For those wondering I opine that a physically mature person can go lower than 1200 if they are morbidly obese.

    i wasnt shouting, i just didnt feel like retyping once i noticed my caps where on.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i put myself on 1200, since that is the lowest reccomended cal intake for women.

    Who determined this? Are there any journal articles that say this? I've been looking for where this arbitrary number came from and find it no where. I find the number to be passed along as gospel when in my ongoing search it just seems to be some number. Without taking into account the height of the woman or person for that matter there is no way to say that calories can go this low and no further.

    PER MY MD OF OVER 15 YEARS, WHOM I TRUST, as well as The National Institute of Heath.

    I'm glad you trust your MD and there's no need to shout. My intent is not to change your mind or anyone else's. I'm trying to find the source of this number. Would you have the studies from the NIH detailing this? I've searched and found nothing from the NIH, WHO, or anywhere else. I've found diets that use this number but no where that cites where or when this number was determined to be the lowest a woman regardless of height should go.

    If anyone has any studies or info on where the 1200 calorie number came from I would greatly appreciate it. For those wondering I opine that a physically mature person can go lower than 1200 if they are morbidly obese.

    i dont know what the word opine means.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    You're not eating enough, period. Who told you to eat 1200 cals and then 1000 cals?
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Yes I know it sounds low, but I truely believe after all I've discovered this last few months that my BMR and TDEE are way overestimated so netting 921 really isn't that low if my true BMR is 400 calories underestimated which it probably is. My BMR is supposed to be 1350 but is probably more like 900-950 in reality as I've already proven that my true TDEE is 1650 approx, not 2150 as an average of all online calculators would have me believe.

    In the past I've lost weight easily by eating 850-1000 per day with very little exercise but this time I am working out a lot more so am eating more. My body is very stubborn and holds onto fat, scale weight and the only way I can lose is by eating less but I want to keep it at a sensible level.

    I can't get a BMR test done at the moment due to finances but trial and error has given me a lot more answers than what people on MFP and online calculations have been able to do.

    Because you don't eat ENOUGH!
  • funkythreads2004
    funkythreads2004 Posts: 51 Member
    I have had a coil fitted every 5 years for the last 15 years and have never noticed any pain. However i do retain water, so use a herbal remedy to easy this. When i started using mfp i started at 1400 calories not 1200 as this is very very low. Once i started losing weight and with exercise i actually started to put my calories up and am now on 1650 a day and still losing weight. You need to change up your work out routines every 6 weeks or so, or your body gets in a rut. If you change your routine it shocks itself and uses up fat stores. However, you say you have medications etc, so you really do need to check out the side effects with your Doctor before getting stuck into a low calorie eating program anyway. Eating less then 1200 calories will only make you ill and defeat the object of what your trying to do
  • blibby33
    blibby33 Posts: 53
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    sorry not on any meds anymore but had the merina coil fitted for the first time 9 weeks ago, don't know if this can cause weight gain or not

    If you have the mirena, you're on hormones.

    I'm sorry you're having problems, I'd see your doc to try to lose, hike medically supervised. But stay away from rx diet meds.

    Good luck!
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    :noway: Another MFP design fail. They need to integrate a form of TDEE into their registration process instead of giving every woman 1200 net calories when they sign up who knows how many of them don't eat their calories back when they start to try lose weight :frown:

    updated version of IPOARM

    mfp didnt give me 1200, it gave me closer to 1470 ish... i put myself on 1200, since that is the lowest reccomended cal intake for women. im losing great and continuously on 1200, which i was having zero weight loss on 1470 ish.

    I did the same. I put myself manually on 1200 some time ago when I stopped losing weight at higher calories. MFP gave me a different value.
  • ihomen
    ihomen Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm using MFP ~9 months and there is couple important things you need to know:
    1. Many people who add products to mfp database do it wrong :/ number of calories/carbs/fat/protein. For example snickers ;) but there is a lot of more so I suggest before add some food to check and comapre with description od what we eat.

    2. More important than calories is number of carbs/fat/protein you eat. (will expad this for a moment)

    3. In my opinion when we add exercises mpf put too many calories we burned. (ofc depends on type and time ex. we did).

    So i use MPF for a while and 95% I keep my calories excacly as mpf inform me but losing weight really slowly or did not at all.
    After 6-7months i decided i need change sobething in my diet, and still cant belive it was so simple. I drasticly decrease number of carbs that i eat with bread, softdrinks etc. (also stop keeping under 1400 calories that mpf set for me) the results?
    before ~ 101kg (223 lbs. 8.April.2013) and 95.8 kg (211 lbs. 17.May.2013), i lose 7.2kg (15.9 lbs) in ·6weeks and weight still decrasing.

    Conclusion: decrease number os carbs you eats = success. MPF gave me ~190grams carbs per day after changes I eat less than half of this and dont look at fat and protein (very often they are red :P) also I dont have to keep calories. Befre mpf set 1470kcal per day now I eat ~2000kcal and its ok.

    I hope that help someone! ;)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I expected a thread about Parker Lewis.

    Really you should be eating more. a lot more. Also with the surgery. don't take advice here, consult your Dr. Really.

  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
  • tlpower
    tlpower Posts: 8
    Hi guys thanks again for advice and I do agree with you all I am not eating enough:) I have upped my calories to 1400 so will see what happens. I also spoke to doctor who is going to do some bloods. Will keep you informed x
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    What type of exercise have you been doing?
    I also suffer from Endometriosis, I've had 7 surgeries so, I know how that is. Sometimes I feel like it stunts my weightloss as well.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Hi, I'm using MFP ~9 months and there is couple important things you need to know:
    1. Many people who add products to mfp database do it wrong :/ number of calories/carbs/fat/protein. For example snickers ;) but there is a lot of more so I suggest before add some food to check and comapre with description od what we eat.

    2. More important than calories is number of carbs/fat/protein you eat. (will expad this for a moment)

    3. In my opinion when we add exercises mpf put too many calories we burned. (ofc depends on type and time ex. we did).

    So i use MPF for a while and 95% I keep my calories excacly as mpf inform me but losing weight really slowly or did not at all.
    After 6-7months i decided i need change sobething in my diet, and still cant belive it was so simple. I drasticly decrease number of carbs that i eat with bread, softdrinks etc. (also stop keeping under 1400 calories that mpf set for me) the results?
    before ~ 101kg (223 lbs. 8.April.2013) and 95.8 kg (211 lbs. 17.May.2013), i lose 7.2kg (15.9 lbs) in ·6weeks and weight still decrasing.

    Conclusion: decrease number os carbs you eats = success. MPF gave me ~190grams carbs per day after changes I eat less than half of this and dont look at fat and protein (very often they are red :P) also I dont have to keep calories. Befre mpf set 1470kcal per day now I eat ~2000kcal and its ok.

    I hope that help someone! ;)

    I know you're just trying to be helpful, but you're saying what worked for YOU can be a solution for everyone. Unfortunately, that's just not true.

    Your first point is correct, sometimes people put things in the database wrong so it's always important to read your nutrition labels and make sure you're logging accurately.

    Your second point is not accurate. Don't get me wrong, macros are important. But when it comes to pure weight loss, calories are the most important factor. This has been shown time and time again. Can you INCREASE your weight loss success by altering your macros? Maybe. But are macros MORE important than calories? Absolutely not.

    Your third point depends entirely on the person. For me personally, MFP tends to UNDERESTIMATE how much I burn (my HRM says I burned 300 calories, MFP says I burned 250). You're correct that it overestimates for some people, but I think it's wrong for people to just assume it's overestimating for them, when in fact it might not be at all. This is why we have people on here scared to eat back their exercise calories, because people keep telling them that MFP wayyy overestimates. This may be true for some people, but not for everyone.

    It's also true that some people find success with low carb diets. It's great that it worked for you!! From what I've seen, women in particular seem to be rather "sensitive" to carbs. Could you have PCOS or some other underlying issue? I know a condition like that can require carbs to be lowered for weight loss. My friend doesn't have PCOS, but she does have some hormonal disorder (I forget the name) and she has to eat low-carb to lose weight. However, this is the exception, not the rule.

    The reason people see fast/better results with low-carb diets is because you'll lose more water weight, more quickly. From what I understand, carbs cause your body to store water, so when your carb stores are depleted, you lose water as well. This can cause a drop on the scale and cause you to look leaner almost instantly. I speak from personal experience; I was in a pageant a few months ago, and started doing low-carb a couple weeks before the show. It's amazing how much leaner I got in those couple of weeks. However, that was almost completely water-related, not fat loss. As soon as I started eating carbs again, my body filled right back out.

    Please do not think I'm trying to discredit what you said, because I am not. I'm glad you found something that works for you, and who knows, it may work for OP too! (I definitely think she should see a doctor and determine if there's an underlying issue stopping her from losing weight, like PCOS). I just wanted to provide an alternate explanation to some of the points you brought up.