JaymeQ Member


  • For all the people that say this "diet" is BS, I disagree. Some people need the strict schedule to help them get started into a "healthy lifestyle" of eating. This "diet" does just that! I myself, need strict programs like this to help me get into the routine. Otherwise I screw up royally :-) I am starting this tomorrow!
    in 17 Day Diet Comment by JaymeQ July 2013
  • You do the same meals every day? No fruits, or yogurts? I was doing the Dr. Ian's Ultimate Fat Smash, and the meals were set up the same, every 3 hours. The 2 times I did the diet, I lost a good amount of weight. This last time however, I have not lost at all. I have gained back 16lbs sice last year, and it's time for me…
  • Today is my first fasting day, and I am looking for meal ideas for lunch and dinner. I don't eat fist, so that's out. Today for lunch I am having some leftover turkey breast, and I'm not sure what else...maybe a grapefruit. Tonight my family is making tacos so I was going to just have 1....oh, and also my morning coffee :-)
  • I have a bad back, so anything that is pretty intense, I can't do. Is this high or low intensity?
  • Do you buy the crepes themselves, or make them? If you make them can you give the recipe?
    in Crepes! Comment by JaymeQ January 2011
  • Michael Jackson The Experience for the Wii is a great workout! I actually like it better than the Just Dance games.
  • I found the Just Dance 2 to be really difficult. I've heard raves about the Zumba for the Wii though....that is the next one I want to buy