

  • not read all the replies, so not sure if its already been recommended, but lepicol works wonders. Its all natural and contains psyllium husks - soluble fibre.... its not just fibre you need... its getting the fibre right for you. For people with ibs I think the wrong type of fibre can actually hold things up more... might…
  • Try sticking with the probiotics... it was a while before i noticed a difference. In terms of the bowels.... my situation pretty much the same despite going several times a day - so could be ibs... Def see your doc...and tell them everything, so they get the whole picture! ive been doing alot of reading and it seems there…
  • I can understand your frustration!! My best advice is talk it out with the doc.... if anything just to check its not anything more serious and give you reassurance. Im still not convinced I have ibs.... or maybe Im still in denial!!! BUT.... if its any comfort I was having severe pains, which terrified me,.... and they…
  • also.... ive learnt over the years... you know your body better than anyone else.... no one else feels what you feel. Go with your instincts, If something doesn't feel right, get it checked out. Much rather have the doctor think its tedious, than miss something serious :)
  • i have a similiar problem with bloating, so I understand your frustration.... Started off with terribly distended stomach everytime i ate, then didn't reduce till i slept it off. (In the morning, my stomach is half the size... ) But, I also began to get occasional cramps, mixed with a change in bowel functions - went to…
  • There are hundreds of different programs you could find online, including cheap workout dvds you could order online. But when I don't go to the gym, I ususally just excercise with my gym ball (cost less than 10 quid)- theres so much variation in excercise you can do with it. I had a leg injury last year, so I find it more…
  • If you think of excercise as a chore..... youll be less and less motivated to do it. Excercise needs to be a part of your healthy lifestyle.... and if you want to make changes and continue to excercise for the rest of your life... I suggest find something you enjoy! There must be something you like to do... and if not,…
  • Thanks Pregosaurus - I won't do anything without consulting with my doctor first, I think id be too worried to go for it anyways - I guess i was hoping for a miracle fix.... but i know it's not that simple! Sleepy - Thats helpful..and does make sense! thanks. Whats confusing me is the sudden onset... my diet has never…
  • I have also considered colonic irrigation.... wondering whether that might give me a proper cleanse and help?!! I have read some confilicting information about it though, which concerns me slightly, and could potentially do more damage than good?! Maybe thats something people with a suggish system consider more than the…
  • Thank you all for your helpful replies. Whiskey9890 - those are some great tips, thanks. I will definetely start using the notes section to see if I can pick up any triggers/ patterns. Ill look into the book too... I did have various blood and hormone tests... but allergies and intolerances were never discussed. How do…
  • Hey there... Im sure everyone will be able to contribute a different perspective here, but here are my tips; 1. Motivation - why are you here and why are you trying to lose weight? Success is almost always linked to motivation.... if you're here for yourself, a choice you made, becuase you want this for you, then theres a…
  • I went on my first diet when I was 11! I know-shocking! I have finally adopted a healthier lifestyle, no more yo-yo dieting! I feel much better about myself, and know that change is for good... no more being hungry for a month so I can squeeze into a dress!! Its all about a change in lifestyle, so finding something that…
  • Name: Maddy Age: 28 Height: 5'8/172 cm weight: 65.1 kg
  • I always add lemon juice when cooking... so I half the oil and add fresh pure lemon juice. It adds great flavour, its a high alkaline food, so good for the immune system and has great antioxidant and anti-cancer properties..... and its much lower in calories.
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