Add more protein!!
Candy!!! Any kind of candy!! Mmmm. Not only am I trying to avoid it to be healthier, but I've been having a lot of cavities and a couple root canals this last year, so trying SOOO hard not to eat it. But I LAFF it!!!
You can do things to extend your leg backward without any knee involvement. I bought some resistance bands, you can hook them up to a door, or get the kind that just wraps around your legs and extend the leg back, while at a standing position. You could also do lifts by laying on your stomach on the floor and pulling your…
Oh yeah, and oatmeal is VERY cheap and very filling.
Definitely look at dried beans and rice. Search for coupons online and then compare them to your local grocery ads. It takes some time, but if you can combine a good coupon with a sale, you can get some stuff really cheap. Eggs are normally pretty cheap too, you can eat them hard boiled, fried or scrambled for a nice…
Anyone who watched her cooking shows, and then looked at her, could figure out that these foods shouldn't be consumed daily for a healthy lifestyle. I think it's ridiculous to hold a cooking show host accountable for what other people chose to do. It's not like she was saying "eat all this food and you'll be healthy." I…
I lift 3 days a week, and have been for 3 weeks (used to lift in various spurts at different times in my life, so I'm not a total newbie, but not an expert). I'm trying heavy lifting because the research I've done has said that women can't get bulky since we don't have the testosterone, and we'd have to have a major…
I love it plain, but love the idea of putting it in salads (especially since I can't eat a salad without ranch, so this might be a good alternative). I also love it with pineapple (thanks Steak 'n Shake!). My hubby always hated cottage cheese until he tried it on pizza in college, lol! But I guess that's not really…
I can't wait to lose a little boob-age, lol! I've been busting out of my bras and I refuse to buy new (super expensive!) ones. Plus, let's just admit it, big boobs doesn't usually mean JUST big boobs. It means fat spillage over your bra by your armpits and back fat. Yuck! And I don't know how much genetics play a role.…
I was thinking of adding this to my non-lifting days. I lift 3 days a week and do elliptical or a walk, or zumba on 3 opposing days (for instance: day 1 lift, day 2 cardio, day 3 lift, etc). I'd love a more intense cardio workout, but am unsure if my sore arms from lifting can take it. Is it arm heavy, or do you find that…
Well good for you for going and trying! It will get better. I bought some dumbbells to work at home since I can't afford a monthly gym fee and have been going about 3 weeks. Keep it up!
Did you buy the dannon oikos with strawberry already in it, or added your own? Because I find the blended ones (strawberry, raspberry, key lime) to be HEAVENLY, lol! But I've realized they are high in sugar so I'm going to try to switch to plain and add fresh fruit of my own.
Ok, this is my opinion - I'm no expert! Last year I tried to lose weight by doing cardio and tracking calories for a net of 1200. I lost it SO SLOWLY I could almost scream! But I wasn't paying attention to the quality of my food, just eating lots of carbs and little protein. After not working out for 7 months and having a…
Actually this is a little bit of a myth. Doing lightweights and high reps actually does nothing but build endurance and really won't change the shape of your muscles at all. But heavy lifting, low reps builds strength and a little muscle, but NOT bulk in women. Women just don't have the testosterone support to build big…
Your body needs at least 1200 to function. If you eat 1200, and burn off 1200, you are at 0 calories for the day, then your body will start to shut down as you are starving it. But 1200, for most people, would be WAY below your maintenance, so you will lose.
EXAMPLE: How many calories should you be eating to MAINTAIN? 1800 How many calories should you be eating to LOSE 1 LB a day? 1500 (made up number by me for example) How many calories did you eat today? 1800 How many calories did you burn off today? 600 What is your net? 1200 which means you are under your calories to lose…
Yeah it sounds like he just wants to enjoy eating with you like you used to (like it's an event) and he feels you can't do this anymore. I'd suggest finding new activities to enjoy together, and on occasion go out and share a decadent dessert! I'm vegetarian and my hubby is a meat eater and he has no issue with it. But…
I don't think most people care. In fact, most women are not paying attention to which guys are sweating or not. If it bothers you, just bring a towel and wipe your face every so often and throw it on your shoulder (not on the machine, that's icky).
Because plants can't feel pain- no nervous system.
That must be frustrating! See, I experience the opposite. In the 7 years I've been meat-free, I NEVER EVER tell people unless they ask, and I never explain why unless they ask. To each their own is how I feel. However, I have been made fun of a lot for being vegetarian, when I have done nothing to them- both online and in…
I've been vegetarian for 7 years. I think if you do eat meat, you should just do your homework and see how it's processed, and if it bothers you but you don't want to give up meat, eat local, organic meats. I personally won't eat animals, but won't judge those that do as our bodies are made to eat them and use those…
Everyone is human, so we're all going to act differently. Some people get busy, they don't log in, they fall off track, or they just aren't the type to encourage others a lot. Maybe they need encouragement from you? We're all here for various reasons, so try finding more friends on here and be open to the fact that we all…
I've been vegetarian for 7 years and my weight has fluctuated that entire time. Not eating meat in itself doesn't really help you lose weight. I know for me, my favorite foods are carbs and cheese, so when I eat a lot of those, and not much fruits and veg, then I tend to gain weight. Try to get lots of protein (eggs,…
So should I try 15 lbs I've been on and more sets? I can't even do more than 1 rep on 20 ponds, so that's probably most logical. What are super sets?
myndi- 28? I'm 31 by the way.
Lapeesha - 22?
Nope, haha! I'm going to say you you are late 30s. Like maybe 37? Sorry that was for Tracy!
Do me? You'll have to click to see my face I guess. Dang it, then you'll see my age. I fail at this game!
Way to go! Just put on the headphones and ignore everyone else!
Interesting, thanks!