northernnative33 Member


  • we have one at the gym..but yes it does say how much im burning by the set levels..but isn't it different for a 180lb woman and a 240lb woman to treadclimb for 10 minutes? I think the 240 lb burns more than a 180lb
  • well that's good....just hang on and wait....that means its going to drop within 2-3 weeks..if you keep up the hard work......for real.
  • i have the same problem today..i lost 15 lbs....and i seen results clothes fit and were loose...but today...i didnt gain wieght and was faithful..but my mid section is coat doesnt gutt hangs out more....i dont get it.
  • my old place were i use to live with my first daughter....hubby got some experience...i thought nothing of it...until i get hearing draggig of the feet on the winter mats in the porch, fan breaking in half, crib slammed down, pokings, tuggings, hearing someonen saying hey you beside my ear...doors…
  • Im obese and happy but i have to loose wieght for my health. Im still pretty and have a nice butt and chest. thats why im happy cause at least im formed. but there are other ppl who has a big roll hanging over thier pubic line big is your roll? sounds like your got self esteem issues compared of fitness issues my…
  • btw im 5'3 and weigh 255lb
  • wow i wish i can have a waist like yours...try having 56inches on the waist or walk around with a pillow under your clothes and go in the public for a week and notice the nasty comments from ppl...then go walk around without the pillow and see if your still having breakdowns for being so called fat when your not.
  • im sorry if some lady found my other comment rude...yes its chemical imbalances, i know that. ppl can choose meds, but theraphy helps bigtime. As a native aboriginal our ancestors didnt have meds back then....its called living life can do traditional like my ancestors do, but i lost my roots and chose…
  • its sad when doctors suggest meds for depression....i flushed my pills down the toilet ....i didnt like the zombie feeling with no feelings and i have 2 young girls to take care of... i prayed and prayed real hard and seen other ppl who believed in the higher power....i read the word too...and you know what...? it…