

  • I have hypothyroidism for nearly 20 years now. Yes, there are many of us out there, and you most certainly will find several here that can identify with you. Would you like to become friends so that we can exchange info from time to time? Nice to have met you! :)
  • Hi, millesun! I just posted a response before YOU about the low thyroid. I experience practically ALL of those symptoms you spoke of, even though my thyroid levels ALL say they are within the normal range. And I, too, have struggled with the condition for nearly 20 years now. Would you like to become friends, so we can…
  • Hi, Skittlebug! :) I too, have struggled with hypothyroidism for nearly 20 years now. I have "yo-yo"-ed ever since I had my first child, and was diagnosed with this condition while in early pregnancy with her. It has been frustrating for me, as well. I have read a book called "The Thyroid Solution" by Ridha Arem, MD. It is…
  • Wow! You've made excellent progress, MrsRios! Thanks for the inspiration! Have an enjoyable weekend! :)
  • Too cool! I love to dance, too. Give yourself a booty shake!
  • Thanks, Alicia! Terrific progress for yourself! You look fabulous, by your profile picture. Have a fun weekend!
  • Thank you! Same to you, efue! Have an encouraging weekend! :)
  • How cute! I love your lil schmoo! Thanks for your welcome and encouragement. Have a fun weekend!