New eager member to MFP :D

iamphoenix Posts: 9
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I officially started on December 1st. In just two full days, I have lost four pounds. It goes to show that portion control and accountability via a food journal really pays off! I am amazed, as I really haven't done much exercise so far. I also know from past experience that EVERYONE loses excess in the beginning of a diet program, so I must not gauge my loss to expect this kind of result every weigh-in, unless I put forth the effort and push to make it happen!

I am training for a half-marathon in February 2011. This loss is finally getting me motivated to get out there and shed the pounds and get myself fit!

Would love to get to know more of you out there! Anyone else doing any "Couch to 5Ks, or other such walking/jogging/running races? With my bad knees, the best I can do is to alternate walking 1 min./jogging 2 min. But this will be my third half-marathon, and the last was done in less than 3 hours -- a very proud moment and personal best! :bigsmile:


  • redwingluvr
    redwingluvr Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome and great job! I've been on for 20 days now and have lost 9.5 lbs! Love this site and the support. Good luck on your journey!!!!
  • How cute! I love your lil schmoo! Thanks for your welcome and encouragement. Have a fun weekend!
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I have you by 1 day and I really like this site, lots of stuff to look at. hope you do well on your journey, good luck!
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Good luck!
  • Thank you! Same to you, efue! Have an encouraging weekend! :)
  • Thanks, Alicia! Terrific progress for yourself! You look fabulous, by your profile picture. Have a fun weekend!
  • Welcome!This is an amazing site!people here are so supportive and encouraging, they(MFP friends) and calorie counting play a very important role in my success! I still have a long way to go but this site makes it much easier!
  • Wow! You've made excellent progress, MrsRios! Thanks for the inspiration! Have an enjoyable weekend! :)
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