skeo Member


  • The top of the video is the standard over head press at 75lbs, the bottom one with the 95lbs is the Push/Press I guess, I didn't know it had a different name. lol
  • yeah, I addressed it. Something to work on. I was more stoked on even being able to get it over my head, normally the weight stalls even with a thrust; it's something I am for sure taking note of and will work on.
  • Thanks RJ!
  • Dude, 9-5 is literally the easiest schedule to work around. My day. 10:30pm in bed 4:30am wake up 5:00am-6:30am work out 7-7:30 get ready for work 8-5 work dinner at 6:30-7pm 7-10pm studying 10:30pm sleep if you want it bad enough, you can figure out a way to do, especially if you do not have anyone else to take care of at…
  • Awesome!
  • Thank you Kami! I also LOOOVE Minions :)
  • This is one of biggest issues, I was griping to my husband this morning when we were trying to do pull-ups, that my baby sized hands are not able to grip the bar correctly. What I've noticed is just with more strength training, just like much of everything else, your grip gets stronger. But to train grip specifically I did…
  • Congrats on getting a better lift today! That was my mistake as well in the beginning, I figured that I had to LIFT/PULL the weight up, so a lot of strain was on my lower back and biceps. But after watching a few videos on form and power lifters etc, they all describe the exercise as a PUSH type, imagine pushing the world…
  • I think it just boils down to prosperity as others have said. When we were dirt broke, still living in America, my siblings and I were all thin. My mom cooked for us and dad would treat us to take out once every two weeks, and that was the routine. We rode public transportation, and played outside for hours... As we got…
  • As others have stated, calories in vs calories out, unless you are drinking multiple servings on milk daily, won't make much of a difference. I prefer almond/coconut milk for personal ethical reasons..but hey, that's just me.
  • Great job! Also, your make-up is on point! lol
  • Exercise has been my go to for stress release, sad release, anger release etc. When I feel just overwhelmed, I find solace in just putting on music and losing myself in a run/bike/swim/weight lifting session. Set goals in your head to do new numbers or new reps, just one more than last time. For me, getting a new PR just…
  • First and foremost, congratulations on losing 40lbs! I will also advise a good weight lifting program, and to build some mass in your shoulders/lateral and overall upperbody to give you that tapered look that you speak of.
  • Maybe the pain may have subsided, but the injury was still there, and to keep aggravating it with certain routines, just continues to halt the healing process your body is trying to do. I think a week was too short of a "recovery/deload" period. I had an elbow injury that stopped me from doing any push movements, no push…
  • I appreciate all of the feedback, I just did a review with a clear ruler over the screen to see where my hips were starting and it's pretty eye opening to see where I started and how my hip continued to get higher and higher, ultimately resulting in losing tightness in my back and "rounding" causing a bit of discomfort.
  • Proof that with weight loss a big part of it is our diet! Congratulations on doing this challenge and completing it :)
  • thanks! Hoping to get back to two plates before the year is out. Also just wanted to throw it out there, I did these at midnight on Saturday, so the weight banging was just between me and the front desk personnel, lol. I try not to DL during peak hours, since I know "dropping the weight" may bother most. It's not…
  • I felt the bounce was an issue, and yeah I do feel like I lose tightness with each rep. I will definitely work on that, thanks for the input! and Xavier, I did not injure myself doing the deadlift, it was a bench rep max that I caused some injury with my elbow/shoulder so I had to deload on a lot of the major lifts and PT…
  • as long as it fits in your goals, I say go ahead. Better to eat more chicken than
  • I do this 3 days a week. M W F 45minutes of cardio at 5am and then at night around 7pm, I do an hour of weight training. M-Sat I work out nights for about an hour, doing 45 minutes of weight training with 10 minutes of cardio. Just make sure you listen to your body and feed it enough to keep up with the added activity.
  • My husband has very tight hip flexors and longer femurs, and he's just uncomfortable with the squat motion in general, but he still tries none the less; I would hate to think that someone seeing him "1/2 squat" moderate weight while trying to work on mobility and flexibility would think he's a "D-bag," ..that's just…
  • Just my own curiosity here, answer if you wish; but if you see a woman who is "I give no shiets about VPL" do you ladies judge her for being so called "tacky"?
  • Breaking Benjamin - Breathe Tool - Schism
  • I wear thick *kitten* sweats with a longer length tee-shirt. I look like I just rolled out of bed when I'm at the gym, baggy sweats and a long over stretch t-shirt, but I could really care less.
  • I've never been so annoyed with the word "derogatory" before. People feel the need to be so PC all of the time, that the sensitivity level in people is sky rocketed. Fat is fat, skinny is skinny, orange is orange, blue is blue..if you feel offended by what physical shape you are in, then that is something that needs to be…
  • I cut back on it by drinking iced tea, on most days I don't crave a soda, but on a hot summer day, it seems to be what my taste buds want. I usually allot myself 1 can of soda a week, (if I want it) it's not bad, IMO, just don't over do it.
    in Soda pop! Comment by skeo July 2015
  • I just wanted to say that being 5'1 and 112 is not considered to be overweight. I also understand that many Asian women have a very small and thin frame, I am not one of them. My mother is 4'11 and 100lbs, I am 5'4 and 140lbs, so I am relatively larger than her; this doesn't offend me, we all have different body types and…
  • I make chicken and broccoli a part of my meals, but to ONLY eat that for two weeks, I would be sick and angry by the end of 4 days...I wouldn't advise it.
  • Great job! Did you drop the weight first and then start heavy weight training? or do both while following a caloric deficit? Again, you look great!