

  • YAY I think its time for a challenge! Jan 3 SW: 115 Jan 30 EW: ???
  • First of all you should start running with the capri length pants instead of shorts to prevent schaffing. This heppens regardless of thigh size. I have never had much luck with spot reduction but maybe if you cut down on certain fatty foods and start stretching your legs. I had an aerobics instructor who said if you strech…
  • Its funny that you say that about saving your calories for your beer! My motto has always been "I'd rather eat a whole cake than a six pack!" Thank You everyone for the suggestions!! I have used the box half method before and does work so i just need to be more diciplined.
  • I heard it helps with alergies but if the pollen is not from your area it doesnt help since the bees are pollunating plants that you arent exposed to.
  • You really should pay attention to the numbers because how can you lose weight if you keep feeding your thighs saturated fat? I go over a lot too in the fat and the sugar so i try to pay attention to the numbers when i am planning my meals for the day