lkkyer Member


  • You can still use the MFP app, then sync your info when you get back.
  • I'm Not Really a Waitress is my all time favorite! I've been wearing it for over 10 years. It's a classic. Mostly just the toes though. My fingers never last more than a day, and I don't want fake ones. Too high maintenance for me.
  • I even do squats while I brush my teeth.
  • You look great! Wish I had boobs to lose!
  • The one I use at the gym does not have a speed setting, it just gives me a read out of how fast I'm moving. Mine varies between 4.6 and 5.8. I guess it depends on how high you set your resistance. The lower the resistance, the faster you should go to burn more calories.
  • I have had problems on and off with depression and anxiety for years. I'm having a bit of a hard time myself right now. I understand how hard it is to get motivated. I force myself to go the gym some days, but once I get there blasting my ipod and sweating for an hour or so does wonders.
  • I think she rips off Madonna.
    in Lady Gaga Comment by lkkyer March 2011
  • Fear of the unknown? I think you spelled it all out yourself: You have absolutely nothing to lose if you try and don't finish. I bet you'll spend a lot of time beating yourself up if you don't give it a shot. Just think what a confidence boost you'll gain just for trying :-)
  • I usually eat a small breakfast because I know my weakness is snacking at night so I save a few calories for that. I might have to try to switch it up a few days to see what happens.
  • Would martial arts help a 10 year old with self control and respecting others? My son is having a few issues at school. He makes straight A's and is in the gifted program, but he can't seem to control anger or keep his opinions to himself. He plays basketball and football, but I think he needs something less focused on…
  • I think some people get all excited and add a ton of people, then give up on the whole diet thing in a week or two. Those people probably won't even notice you deleted them for weeks ;-)
  • Wouldn't it be easier just to increase the resistance on the elliptical? I'm afraid I would hurt myself wearing weights on the elliptical, lol.
  • I eat a lot of FiberPlus bars. Yes, they are processed and there are healthier options out there. But these let me allow me to have a sweet snack without going crazy with fat and calories, plus they are more filling with the fiber. If these keep me on track, then yes, they are worth it.
  • I think several people have probably already pointed out what I was thinking: 1) He sees you everyday, so he isn't noticing the gradual changes YET and 2) Most men gain all of their weight in their gut, while women gain it different places. Me, I gain ALL of mine on my butt. To look at me from the front, I'm not all that…
  • I saw some pretty nasty comments last night from a couple of people, so I looked through all their comments on other threads and realized they were just trolls trying to stir the pot. Probably kids thinking they were funny. Who NOT funny.
  • WOW, way to be motivational :P
  • Seinfeld...nice!
  • I was gonna say the same thing! Thomas J's funeral breaks my heart...I cry my eyes out everytime.
  • I feel the same way...I'm so tired of all the slurs I see people throwing back and forth via their status updates. Pick up the phone if you want to argue. The rest of the world doesn't need to know you now hate your BFF. Oh, and those vague cryptic remarks people make that could apply to half their friends list make me…
  • Not me! She's an arrogant, annoying, mean, hypocrite! I saw her in an interview last week and wanted to puke.
  • Lady GAGa (yes I mean gag)
  • You Rock! Stupid, silly girls. Wonder what they'll look like in about 10 years?
  • I've been using the elliptical and treadmill on a high incline (11), and I can tell a huge difference in my butt and hips, eventhough I've only lost 8 lbs. My son even noticed it yesterday, and he's a brutally honest 9 year old.
  • LMAO, that's hilarious!
  • This is exactly why I NEVER eat all my exercise calories! I eat some, but not all....
  • I think I offended a trainer at the Rush a couple of weeks ago...she comes over while I'm on the elliptical and asks me if I want to do some pushups for a contest. I said no, so she said you don't have to do it right now. I still said no, and she asked why not. I said because I don't want to....Bad of me, I know....I…
  • Glad I saw this thread! I told someone yesterday I don't eat all my exercise calories because I didn't trust what the cardio equipment at the gym said. All these people posted after me about how you MUST eat all your exercise calories or your body would go into starvation mode. They totally missed the point that you may be…
  • Have you had a lot of salt this week? I know it's frustrating, but don't let it get to you. It's probably just water weight. Mine goes up and down like that all time. As long as you are exercising and eating better, it will go back down.
  • I definitely sleep much better since I started working out. I usually fall asleep as soon as I get in bed. I used to toss and turn for hours, even when I was exhausted. I'm a lot happier and less stressed, too.