

  • No way, not when you are training for a marathon. Runners needs at least 55% of their calories from carbs, 60% is better. If you drive that percentage too low you are going to blow through your glycogen stores during your runs. When those are depleted you "hit the wall" or "bonk". Bonking is a *miserable* grind on a 12…
  • I bet your hip flexors were too weak to stabilize your knees and the weight training corrected that.
  • I am a long time runner (20 + years) and have learned the lessons of over-training the hard way. There are three keys to understanding how to best increase calories burned and cardio-vascular fitness. 1. Most people run at an intensity that is too high for what they are trying to accomplish. I highly recommend splurging…
  • I am a long time runner (20 + years) and have learned the lessons of over-training the hard way. There are three keys to understanding how to best increase calories burned and cardio-vascular fitness. 1. Most people run at an intensity that is too high for what they are trying to accomplish. I highly recommend splurging…