natyshia Member


  • I am down to do the 90 day challenge Name: NaTyshis Weight: 217.5 Goal Weight: 145 What i would like to accomplish in 90 days is to try and lose 15-20 lbs. That would be an awesome start and gain more energy.
  • what is a good pair of shoes to start running with? any suggestions on that? any favorates? Nike, Reebok, etc
  • I used to be skinny but 3 kids later, i am far from it. I used to beat myself up about it all of the time. Honey, you arent living life until you can learn to accept yourself. u need to work on that first before anything. You have a man that loves you, but I can honestly say without sugar coating anything, men are most…
  • Hello, On a light note, they can just be cravings. Just see a doctor because they have necessary tests that they can produce to make sure you are okay. Too much sodium intake is not good, as with many women, sweets are defiantly hard to shake off. If it isnt an adrenal problem, your nutritionist need to make a food plan…
  • hey i am new as well and it is my first day as well. im trying to lose 50lbs...(we will see with that) but i dont know how to add people. let me see how i go about this.