

  • Hi! Good luck on your weight loss! I only have a scale at work so it is very tempting for me to weigh myself every day. I actually read yesterday that weighing yourself every day can help keep you on track (keeping your goals fresh in your mind), even though what is says may not be accurate- just a thought if it helps you.…
  • I am from Tampa, FL! :)
  • I have the same problem at work. Plus, I work a desk job, so I just sit here and think about food! I have found that a snack of a rice cake with a little peanut butter fills me up really well. I also snack on fruit, and sometimes a handful of kettle corn from the health foods section. Plus drinking a ton of water helps!…
  • Thanks for all your support! I kept it up (with a little leniance during the weekend, but not too bad!) and i lost the four pounds again! I feel like i can see more of a difference this time, which makes me think that I am on my way down! I think i need to invest in a tape measurer so i can see the number differences. i am…
  • Thank you! The past couple weeks I have been drinking an average of 6 cups of water a day at work. I bought one of those huge smartwater bottles and having it right next to me is making me drink so much more! I know i need to be patient and consistent with my diet, but i am just so fed up with how i look. i guess i want an…