

  • That's called verbal abuse and you should not tolerate it. Plus the hiding also makes me think, as others have said, that more than just porn browsing is going on. My husband feels exactly the same about me as he did when we met and I was thinner, in fact I'm pretty positive he is more attracted to me and loves me more...…
  • Yes, I'd be hurt and mad. My husband is not great at organizing/planning events in general, so if I want a party or something I have to enlist others to help plan it or do it myself. That being said, he always buys me great gifts, makes a big deal of my birthday/holidays, etc. but just isn't an event planner. Plus, if we…
  • I'm right there with you... so I can totally relate and would never judge. I'm also trying to lose another 100 lbs. before I get pregnant and even then I'll still technically be "overweight" which really makes me mad AT MYSELF. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wnat some support.
  • No, you don't look like Shrek. Tell them they're the ogres!
  • Shannon, you're amazing and an inspiration to me! Thank you for posting this and for the comments you make!
  • I have my Master's in mass communication and media studies. I need to get my butt in gear and apply to the Ph.D program. I keep threatening to, but get way laid!
    in Ph.D.'s Comment by kdilly June 2012
  • I'm Kim... and I guess in this group I'm tall, but I'm still short as far as I'm concerned! Age: 35 Height: 5'5" SW: 351 CW: 320 Intermediate Goal: 270 GW: 155