


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    PhD in Molecular genetics (done in my homeland, France) and postdoc for 3 years in the best city (San diego CA).
    Actually looking for a new one because my lab is running soon of monney :((((

    PhD in biology is not the best idea for getting a nice stable job (I'm even not talking about salaries !)

    ans always looking for MFP friends !

    Good luck to you hon! Biology is a tight field now. NSF budget cuts have eliminated a lot of jobs in biology and science in the last 4 years. Keep looking for positions. :smile: Have you looked internationally (Europe, Canada, Asia?
  • Bloomsday
    Bloomsday Posts: 66 Member
    Mine is in English literature, specialization in 20th-century British literature ... A Joyce scholar, as if you couldn't tell by my username ... :)
  • Oh its good to hear this!!

    I'm working on my PhD (urban development) at the minute whilst working full time - should hopefully *fingers crossed* be done in about 12 years but at the minute it feels like it will be the death of me!!!!!!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    JD here (Juris Doctorate). I'm considering going back for a Masters in Accounting, which would put me at 9 years of college.

    Someone earlier said JD is the equivalent of a PhD in law, but that's not quite right; it is a doctoral degree, but it isn't the advanced degree for law. The advanced degree is LLM or "Master of Laws," and requires a specialization. E.g. LLM Tax, LLM Litigation, LLM Intellectual Property, etc.

    Clearly, I also mastered in unsolicited assvice. :bigsmile:

    Thanks for the clarification! I just assumed that the J.D. students at Starbucks at 3am at the table next to us were in it for the same long haul. LOL

    a JD is a pretty long haul! An LLM is just one extra year. I have a friend who is going for his PHD and it seems endless. I dont' get why it takes so long. He's not even in class anymore. He teaches and he is sort of endlessly working on his dissertation. I don't think an LLM would drag on like that either. But a JD can do an independent study (I did) which I think is probably somewhat like a dissertation (You come up with your own class, teach yourself, write a paper, and defend it if the prof gives you a bad grade ;)
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    Starting my first year for J.D. in two months!!

    Best advice I ever heard regarding law school:

    Be very careful about which classmates you choose to sleep with or puke in front of.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I have Ph.D. in psychology.

    That makes me drool. Psychology is one of my favorite subjects that I never officially studied. I read it for fun!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    You are all such inspirations!!

    I started college after high school but decided it wasnt for me.

    After I had my son I started back up again! I just now started working on my bachelors in Sociology with a major in Psychology. I wont receive my degree until january of 2016!! I will be 30 years old! I also plan on stayin in school and pursuing my Masters. I toy with the idea of getting my PH.D but only time will tell. :o)

    I can tell you from a teacher's perspective that returning students are great. It takes a lot of guts to go back to college when you've got a family or are over 25 when you start. Good for you! Stick with it!

    Thank you.

    I am a single parent and want my son to have something to look up to.

    I feel as though I cant push him to do something if I cant give him an example to follow.

    I'm 36 and still have a year left on my Masters program. I am also a single parent, I have 2 kids, both boys 12 and 14. I went to school right after high school, stopped, and finally went back 6 years ago (changed majors so that's why it's taken me a while, lol) I have to say that *I* think I have a greater appreciation for it then a lot of the people I had classes with. Then again it could have been the fact that I was paying for it myself, didn't get scholarships, and I know my kids are looking at me and what I'm doing. Most the people I'm in class with now seem to be in the masters program because they really want to further their education.

    A few of my professors (all have their PhD) went back for their PhD late 30s/early 40s after having kids like us :smile:
  • happyfrogg
    happyfrogg Posts: 86 Member
    You are all such inspirations!!

    I started college after high school but decided it wasnt for me.

    After I had my son I started back up again! I just now started working on my bachelors in Sociology with a major in Psychology. I wont receive my degree until january of 2016!! I will be 30 years old! I also plan on stayin in school and pursuing my Masters. I toy with the idea of getting my PH.D but only time will tell. :o)

    Fantastic! My mom didn't go to college after high school, but she went back to community college when she was 36. She liked it so much, she now has a Ph.D. and is a tenure-track professor. You never know where you might end up! :drinker:

    As for me, I am currently AB(mf'n)D in comparative literature. Starting to get some momentum on the dissertation again after an extended dry spell, blarg. I'm on fellowship until Aug. 2013, so this beast needs to get written! And then I need a job. Or, I will do as I threaten to almost weekly, and leave academia to start my own wedding floral business. :huh:
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Starting my first year for J.D. in two months!!

    Best advice I ever heard regarding law school:

    Be very careful about which classmates you choose to sleep with or puke in front of.

    haha. That's good. I was a single mom in law school. My day revolved around the kindergarten schedule. I missed out on a lot of the socializing. I really only made maybe two friends in law school. They were the best though and I am so glad that we became friends! I would puke in front of both of them!
  • jhayes28
    jhayes28 Posts: 28 Member
    No PhD, but working on my 2nd Bachelor Degree. First one in Health care administration, now working towards a bachelor degree in Nursing. Once done there, I will be going for Masters, and depending on how old I am when I get my Masters, I may contemplate a PhD.

    Congrats to everyone who has their Masters & PhD's! Amazing work and great dedication! Kudos! :drinker:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    JD here (Juris Doctorate). I'm considering going back for a Masters in Accounting, which would put me at 9 years of college.

    Someone earlier said JD is the equivalent of a PhD in law, but that's not quite right; it is a doctoral degree, but it isn't the advanced degree for law. The advanced degree is LLM or "Master of Laws," and requires a specialization. E.g. LLM Tax, LLM Litigation, LLM Intellectual Property, etc.

    Clearly, I also mastered in unsolicited assvice. :bigsmile:

    Thanks for the clarification! I just assumed that the J.D. students at Starbucks at 3am at the table next to us were in it for the same long haul. LOL

    a JD is a pretty long haul! An LLM is just one extra year. I have a friend who is going for his PHD and it seems endless. I dont' get why it takes so long. He's not even in class anymore. He teaches and he is sort of endlessly working on his dissertation. I don't think an LLM would drag on like that either. But a JD can do an independent study (I did) which I think is probably somewhat like a dissertation (You come up with your own class, teach yourself, write a paper, and defend it if the prof gives you a bad grade ;)

    In science, the Ph.D. dissertation is usually an original piece of research. Normally, you should publish at least 3-4 times out of that dissertation so you're talking about at least a good 2 full years of work to produce one of appropriate quality. People who have to do field or lab work usually take even longer because experiments have a habit of going awry. People like me who do theoretical work or computer-based modeling usually complete on time more often than our lab-dwelling counterparts.

    It took me a full 4 years just to complete coursework and my qualifying exams.
  • Bloomsday
    Bloomsday Posts: 66 Member
    I'm tired of *marking* exams.... That's an exercise in soul destruction, that is....

    This made me laugh out loud. You want soul destruction, come visit my freshman writing classes ...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm tired of *marking* exams.... That's an exercise in soul destruction, that is....

    This made me laugh out loud. You want soul destruction, come visit my freshman writing classes ...

    Oh my goodness! I remember having to read other students' work in my Freshman writing class. It was appalling.
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Good luck to every PhD or PhD student for research & losing weight !!!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member

    In science, the Ph.D. dissertation is usually an original piece of research. Normally, you should publish at least 3-4 times out of that dissertation so you're talking about at least a good 2 full years of work to produce one of appropriate quality. People who have to do field or lab work usually take even longer because experiments have a habit of going awry. People like me who do theoretical work or computer-based modeling usually complete on time more often than our lab-dwelling counterparts.

    It took me a full 4 years just to complete coursework and my qualifying exams.

    Ok. Its definitely more work than a JD! My independent study was original research, though. In terms of it being an original concept and a publishable paper. But four publications! Dang!!! That's impressive.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    JD here (Juris Doctorate). I'm considering going back for a Masters in Accounting, which would put me at 9 years of college.

    Someone earlier said JD is the equivalent of a PhD in law, but that's not quite right; it is a doctoral degree, but it isn't the advanced degree for law. The advanced degree is LLM or "Master of Laws," and requires a specialization. E.g. LLM Tax, LLM Litigation, LLM Intellectual Property, etc.

    Clearly, I also mastered in unsolicited assvice. :bigsmile:

    Thanks for the clarification! I just assumed that the J.D. students at Starbucks at 3am at the table next to us were in it for the same long haul. LOL

    It's still 3 years of torture, then another 12 weeks to X years (however long it takes to pass the bar) of endless emotional and psychological pain. It doesn't go on years and years like a PhD, but it's a lot crammed into a very short period of time.

    Not to say that either one is harder than the other, they're just different. Both incredibly mentally and physically challenging, may change who you are as a person, and will change your life when complete.
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    PhD in Molecular genetics (done in my homeland, France) and postdoc for 3 years in the best city (San diego CA).
    Actually looking for a new one because my lab is running soon of monney :((((

    PhD in biology is not the best idea for getting a nice stable job (I'm even not talking about salaries !)

    ans always looking for MFP friends !

    Good luck to you hon! Biology is a tight field now. NSF budget cuts have eliminated a lot of jobs in biology and science in the last 4 years. Keep looking for positions. :smile: Have you looked internationally (Europe, Canada, Asia?

    Well, united states is international for me, I'm from France.
    And I got to say, 3 years after leaving everything (friends, family and hometown) to come here (which I never regret, and I love California (not the famous gloome june)) .... I would like to stay a bit more in San diego.
    Ofcourse without a job, I have to leave the US.

    But this is crazy, I thought that was no-limit monney for research in the US when I was in Europe...
    I'm working in a very big research institute with mostyl NIH unding, and all the labs are like that, firing and getting very low with monney....

    But thanks for the support !
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Well, united states is international for me, I'm from France.
    And I got to say, 3 years after leaving everything (friends, family and hometown) to come here (which I never regret, and I love California (not the famous gloome june)) .... I would like to stay a bit more in San diego.
    Ofcourse without a job, I have to leave the US.

    But this is crazy, I thought that was no-limit monney for research in the US when I was in Europe...
    I'm working in a very big research institute with mostyl NIH unding, and all the labs are like that, firing and getting very low with monney....

    But thanks for the support !

    It's sad what is happening to a lot of science jobs. My fellowship program normally takes 30 students per year. They could only afford to do 8 this year because of budget cuts, and even those were a lower stipend than normal, which is even more pathetic than the already pathetic grad student salary.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    About to graduate from undergrad at Georgia Tech in Dec, then to get my PhD in bioengineering. Yay, fun stuff!!
  • kdilly
    kdilly Posts: 12
    I have my Master's in mass communication and media studies. I need to get my butt in gear and apply to the Ph.D program. I keep threatening to, but get way laid!