workingonme21 Member


  • I can't think of one thing that I miss about being bigger. I'm happy that I made the changes that I have made. Now, it is all about staying fit.
  • Ok that was priceless. I was LOL when I read that one.:bigsmile:
  • I gave up soda. My weekness is sugar but I didn't give it up completely. I do watch how much I have and use substitutes whenever possible. However, empty calorie drinks like soda have been completely replaced with water or water with Crystal Light or something similar. If I have tea or coffee, I use splenda instead of real…
  • You know, that is a good question. I struggle with this issue sometimes too. Most of the time I eat something anyway but sometimes I don't. For me, if I don't eat because I'm not feeling hungry, I might overeat later. Sometimes, if I skip, the hunger hits me unexpectedly and then I make poor food choices. Defintely try to…