

  • I've been using the Wii Fit Plus game for about a month now and I really like it. :)
    in wii games Comment by tree79 March 2011
  • I understand! I have only lost 9 so far. My friends from work have noticed and are complimenting me on how much better I look, but I went to see part of my husband's family last week and part of them this week, and no one said anything, even though to myself and to my friends that 9 little pounds is so obvious. I'm sure…
  • I have been doing this, and it is very encouraging to me, since I've only lost seven pounds since I joined in November, which doesn't seem like much, but I've lost two and a half inches around my hips and two around my waist. (Which translates into about two pants sizes, in my case!) It may be helpful to you as well; I…
  • Hi! I would love to be your friend, too. I only have one friend on MFP so far, and she's a friend of mine from work - I haven't really met anyone yet through the website. I would love to help encourage you, and it would help to have more people to motivate me, also!
  • I totally know what you mean! All my friends have said that when they lose weight, their boobs get smaller, but mine never seem to do that. I'm still a double d as well. If you find anything that works, let me know!