Wanted: Friends on MFP

fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all! Ok, I lost at total of 55 pounds in 2008, and maintained that weight for all of 2009. Then I moved three hours away to go to a new university. I felt lonely and home sick, I guess to fill the void of everything I left behind, I turned to food like I used to do before I lost the 55 pounds. I have gained back about fifteen pounds since moving here at the beginning of January. Within the last few weeks I have been getting back to my healthy habits and lifestyle. But I need encouragement and to be accountable to someone who knows what I am going through and who is going through similar weight loss trials. I totally believe in team work, and I know from past experience that having people to be accountable to really helps. Does anyone else out there need someone to be accountable to and be a good friend? Haha, I hope this little personal ad is persuasive enough...any takers? :happy:


  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    :happy: ME!!!!!!! lol my husband is sooo unsupportive and this is what happens to me on a day to day basis.. "you look good of course you can eat 5 pieces of pizza" NO I CAN'T EAT ANYMORE PIZZA lol. i'm sick of just giving in because everyone tells me i can. i need to lose 20 more lbs to get to my goal weight.. so if you feel like motivationg each other i can definitely be of some assistance!
  • tbear358
    tbear358 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes!! I'll be friends with you! I'm on the same track. I gained 35 pounds the summer of 2005 after graduating college and kept on going. I weighed 173 when I started my weight loss journey. I had to buy my first pair of size 15/16 pants and was like uh uh. I was so miserable. I used to wear pantyhose underneath my pants so they would fit and no one could see my not so lovely lady lumps! I got down to 155 and then discovered I was 2 months pregnant. I was 177 when I gave birth and down to 147.5 when she was one month old. After a knee injury and some other stuff, I started working out again still weighing 147.5 on January 4th. Since then, I am now down to 140 (I saw 139 the other day!). My goal is to lose another 15 pounds and then I will be done but its hard work. My goal is to be 137 by April 1st and 130-135 by the end of July when we go on our beach trip! I would be happy to hold you accountable if you hold me accountable as well!:smile:
  • Hey there!! Add me sweetie... I will be full of encouragement...I'm not sure about accountability because I won't judge your food decisions or get on to you if you go over your calories...because I don't want that done to me...I'll only encourage you to do better next time!!! So I look forward to our new friendship!!! Good luck!!!!!
  • borgi77
    borgi77 Posts: 61
    i help too you can do it !!!
  • tree79
    tree79 Posts: 6
    Hi! I would love to be your friend, too. I only have one friend on MFP so far, and she's a friend of mine from work - I haven't really met anyone yet through the website. I would love to help encourage you, and it would help to have more people to motivate me, also!
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    I would love to be your MFP friend. I have 29lbs to lose...I need some motivation!!
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! Add me, I'll be your MFP friend :smile: I'm right there with you! I graduated college in 2008 and gained a significant amount of weight. I hit a high of 175, which was my wake-up call. I am starting to get on track, but still have a way to go. I'd love to be able to encourage you and keep each other accountable! -Emily :heart:
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Add me if you would like. I don't have much to lose but suffer from the "down two pounds, up one pound syndrome". Good luck.

    Sue :flowerforyou:
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Add me if you'd like. I'd love to have more friends helping encouraging me!!
    We can all do it if we just encourage a little bit and of course - healthy lifestyle choices!!!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Add me too if you would like :)
  • indiankel
    indiankel Posts: 163 Member
    we can all use the help! I still have another 15 or so to go so if you want to add me that would be great. I will motivate you if you motivate me.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    As you can see, you'll get a lot of encouragement around here! I'd love if you added me. :) I know where you're coming from. I was in pretty good shape over the summer when I was jobless and only had time to eat less and work out everyday. I was 150 beginning of September. Then I moved and had less access to a gym and was eating fast food a lot with my new boyfriend. I went up to 180 by the end of December and that was when I started counting calories and working out more. I'm now down to 166 and am hoping to get down to 140 by the middle of summer so I can look HOT in my bikini again! :)
  • JJRunning
    JJRunning Posts: 146
    ME TOO! You can do it with the supportive community here! My man isn't very supportive... doesn't say anything bad, just isn't into working out / eating healthy.... I come hear for words of encouragement!
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