ellanoise Member


  • Northwest IL buried under 40 inches of snow. 15 more days until spring!
  • Day 20 (day 10 of level 2) All done!!! Level 3 starts tomorrow. I finally went out and bought some 3 lb dumbells. I think I'm gonna stick it out with my soup cans for the rest of this first round of 30DS.
  • Day 19/30. 1 more day of level 2 then on to level 3. :noway:
  • Day 16/30 (level 2). I didn't wanna get up and do this today, but I did. I feel better when I do, so why do I fight with myself??? I do enjoy this level. I am sure the planks would be easier if I weighed a bit less. :laugh:
  • I am apparently taking today as a rest day as I overslept. :blushing: I'll be back tomorrow!
  • Day 14. This is getting easier. I no longer want to die during them, but I still tell Jillian to go fook herself towards the end. :laugh: I chuckle when Natalie gets busted for not being in the squat low enough.
  • Day 13/ Level 2 (day 3 of level 2) I am getting the hang of this finally. I do not like planks. I would not do them on a train, nor in the rain. hahahaha. I did finally get through the last abdominal plank move. It was sad and pathetic and I told Jillian to shut the **** up,:laugh: but I did it!!:bigsmile:
  • Day 2/Level 2. wow. I agree with whoever said they looked forward to excercising during level one and dreaded it for level 2. Lol. This is the planking level and omg. crazy. BUT, I am doing in. Anita is kicking my *kitten* with her modified version, but I am struggling through it and finishing it. I cannot get the hang of…
  • Day 9/Level 1 - One more day, then it's on to level 2. You guys are making me scared about level 2. 11 pushups / 9 pushups. I am still improving!
  • Day 8/Level 1 done! 10 pushups and 8 pushups. (still modified, but woohoo!) I went to the Dr. this am and was pleased to get on the scale fully dressed and see my weight! 2 more days of level one and then on to level 2! I'm on track for the 30 day shred in the 30 days of November. ;-)
  • day 7/level 1 - 9 pushups and 7 pushups. I'm still arguing with myself to get out of bed and excercise before work in the morning. I wish I could just pop out of bed and be ready to go.
  • Day 6/Level 1 - 8 pushups and 6 pushups. If I can just add one more a day, I will be happy. :) As far as results, My pants are getting baggier. I did not take any measurements, but I did take before pics. After the 30 days, I will take after pics. As far as my plan, I plan to do the 30 days (currently doing the modified…
  • I'm finally back. I took a 13 day break while my mom was in CCU at the hospital, but she is on the mend now, so I finished day 5/level 1 this morning. I was able to do 7 modified pushups the first time and 5 the second time. I am improving. I did not stop during the jumping jacks. small victories, indeed. I may need to…
  • Day 4 level 1 completed. I was able to do 2 push ups in the first set (took a bathroom break as jumping jacks are not kind to my bladder TMI) and I did 4 on the second set. Woo-Hoo!!! I was able to keep up with the ab work today too!!! I am doing a modified version of the modified butt kicks as my knee is reallly starting…
  • I did cardio yesterday and did day 3 level 1 today. I don't have weights so I am using soup cans. I still cannot do too many push ups, but I am improving.
  • Day 2 Level 1 completed. OMG I am sore in places I didn't know I could be sore in. :laugh: So shred shred cardio shred shred cardio. Do you still do 10 days of the shred or just 7 shred and 3 cardio before moving onto level 2?
  • I'm just north of you, in Lena.
  • I'm jumping on this bandwagon too! I did Day1 Level one today. I may have cussed Jillian out once or twice...