Starting 30DS Today



  • ellanoise
    ellanoise Posts: 18 Member
    Day 2 Level 1 completed. OMG I am sore in places I didn't know I could be sore in. :laugh:

    So shred shred cardio shred shred cardio. Do you still do 10 days of the shred or just 7 shred and 3 cardio before moving onto level 2?
  • I started the 30DS Monday. My plan is to do four Shred workouts, two yoga workouts, and one rest day each week. I'll probably just spend one week on each level and then switch to Ripped or NMTZ. What are you guys going to do when you finish the 30DS?
  • I'm thinking about starting up again, too! I am really trying like crazy to get the weight off and keep it off. So hopefully it helps! :)
  • RNTanya
    RNTanya Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in! I'll start day 1 tomorrow the 21st--I have 10 lbs to lose. I completed this program before and I dropped 10lbs FAST and toned up very quickly as well. What worked for me was to do 5 days, 1 day off. I did 10 days of each level so it takes you up to 45 days to complete but my body wanted a break in between. When I had that day off, I felt stronger in the next workout.
    Good luck everyone :)

  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Hello :) I started 30 Day Shred Thursday, and couldn't even finish Day one. But I decided to keep going with it, and I'm seriously glad I did :D I took Friday off from the Shred but went to the gym instead, and did day two yesterday. Day three is next on my to-do list today, and I am hoping to find it a little easier than the first two days. I've been reading that by day four, you feel much stronger and the cardio won't be as hard as it was on day one :) I hate push-ups, and have been doing the modified ones so far, because there is no way I can pull off more than two "real" ones without my arms giving out, so working my way up to those! Love Jillian, even when she's kicking my butt, but seriously, by the time I get to punches, I am in that zone, giving everything I can. You just simply want to :) I only have about 28lbs to lose, so I know it's gonna be much harder than if i had 50. I'm excited so many people are starting this all around the same time, dreading Level 2 though! Good luck everyone <3

    Yeah, I'm doing the Shred Shred Cardio Shred Shred Cardio Rest routine. I usually do all my exercises in the AM but it's 4:20 and I havn't completed it yet. I'm actually just about to go get changed and work out while hot water heater heats up for a shower after! And don't dread level 2, just make a challenge out of it. :) I hate push - ups as well!
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Day 2 Level 1 completed. OMG I am sore in places I didn't know I could be sore in. :laugh:

    So shred shred cardio shred shred cardio. Do you still do 10 days of the shred or just 7 shred and 3 cardio before moving onto level 2?

    I'm doing the full 10 days
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I started the 30DS Monday. My plan is to do four Shred workouts, two yoga workouts, and one rest day each week. I'll probably just spend one week on each level and then switch to Ripped or NMTZ. What are you guys going to do when you finish the 30DS?

    I'm going to try the Shed and Shred one. :) And maybe add in her butt one in every other day or so.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Well. I've learned a few things today.

    1: I was able to go all the way down with the squat and bicep curl and I didn't even realize it until after quite a few of them.
    I also was able to squat lower with the punches than normal as well. GO ME!
    2: I always forget why I have always hated exercise. (For good reason actually) I not only had to work with a nauseous stomach, when it came to the 3rd circuit of cardio My body decided to give my first asthma attack that I've had in over a year. I was able to push through the cardio, but was not able to complete the last strength session. :(

    Go me! And **** MY BODY >:(

    Oh, and PS, I'm going to force it to do what I want anyways. From now on, Inhaler before exercising!
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Is 30ds more cardio or strength ? Where do you get the DVD ? Walmart or target ? Or just amazon .
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Is 30ds more cardio or strength ? Where do you get the DVD ? Walmart or target ? Or just amazon .

    I'm not really sure on that. It goes: 3 min strength 2 min cardio 1 minute abs. So maybe more strength? There are also 3 circuits.

    3 min Strength 2 min cardio 1 minute abs = circuit 1
    3 min strength 2 min cardio 1 minute abs = circuit 2 and same for circuit 3.

    I found mine at Walmart for $10 I'm sure target would have it as well. Also, so would amazon. :)
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I'm sooo gonna go get this in the morning ! What pound weights do you use ? My lowest are 2 & 5, 10 & 15.
  • I'm going to try the Shed and Shred one. :) And maybe add in her butt one in every other day or so.

    Shed and Shred is amazing!

    I was able to do quite a few real push-ups (not the girly ones) today. I have NEVER been able to do a push-up, not even when I was 70 pounds lighter and running marathons.

    Debbie - I use five-pound weights and wish I had heavier weights for some of the exercises. I'd keep your fives and tens on hand, and perhaps your twos if you don't have much upper-body strength. You're going to love the Shred!
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Thanks for the help! I have 8lbs too, I forgot. Oooh, I can't wait to "complain" about my sore arms tomorrow nite! Lol.
  • LabrakaDebra
    LabrakaDebra Posts: 47 Member
    Another oldster here doing the Shred...I'm 51, not a lot overweight, but am very much out of shape. I'm on Level 2, Day 6. I used to run to stay in shape, but stopped a year ago due to a bad knee (injury from childhood) -- but I've been able to stick with this. My knees were a little sore at first, and still are occasionally; every other day is best for me. But I'm sticking with it and I'm really seeing results, in both pounds and inches coming off.

    First thing I noticed was shoulder muscles I haven't seen in years!! :)
    Is 30ds more cardio or strength ? Where do you get the DVD ? Walmart or target ? Or just amazon .

    It's actually both, closer to circuit training. I got the DVD at Walmart, but I tried it for free on Youtube first to see if I liked it (which I did).;list=PLpzhZuCzvsnhQPTVKAFUwUix5JlzESEPY&amp;feature=mh_lolz
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Woohoo - so we've got even more people here working out with us! Awesome! Welcome!

    I just spent the weekend at my parents' place, took my swimming suit hoping I was going to make it to the swimming pool but no chance. But I did exercise yesterday night instead, so I'm on Day 4 of Level 1. I just came back to Berlin after 3h drive and it's 11:30pm here and I'm tired and thirsty so it's rest day for me.

    Now, weekends with my parents are usually really tough for me diet-wise. I was wondering how it would work out this time. But to my own surprise, I skipped all treat on Saturday and enjoyed just a few small bites of cake on Sunday. That was it. No overeating, no cravings. Instead, I asked my father if there might be any weights in the attic. How cool is that?

    During the 4th workout I noticed a subtle change. I was able to do all the pushups (the modified ones of course). My squats were lower, my lunges deeper. I'm getting stronger already.

    As for the question "what's next?" - I was thinking about Jillian's Ripped in 30 dvd. I love how short and sweet these workouts are.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    Has anyone else done the level 2yet? I'm on day 8 tonight and my body isnt respondin the way it did threw the level 1. Ive not had any soreness, the day after, but the night i do the workout, i get worn out, out of breath and have to stop for a few seconds .. Any one else have this happen?
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Woohoo - so we've got even more people here working out with us! Awesome! Welcome!

    I just spent the weekend at my parents' place, took my swimming suit hoping I was going to make it to the swimming pool but no chance. But I did exercise yesterday night instead, so I'm on Day 4 of Level 1. I just came back to Berlin after 3h drive and it's 11:30pm here and I'm tired and thirsty so it's rest day for me.

    Now, weekends with my parents are usually really tough for me diet-wise. I was wondering how it would work out this time. But to my own surprise, I skipped all treat on Saturday and enjoyed just a few small bites of cake on Sunday. That was it. No overeating, no cravings. Instead, I asked my father if there might be any weights in the attic. How cool is that?

    During the 4th workout I noticed a subtle change. I was able to do all the pushups (the modified ones of course). My squats were lower, my lunges deeper. I'm getting stronger already.

    As for the question "what's next?" - I was thinking about Jillian's Ripped in 30 dvd. I love how short and sweet these workouts are.

    That's awesome that you were able to hold yourself back like that. Willpower is a HUGE issue for me. In fact it is such a huge issue that there is not a single drop of candies, pies cakes, etc in this house.
    Well, except for Pumpkin bread. But I've decided it's time to make me have willpower :) So far I've only had 1! and I have over 900 cal for dinner, so I'd say I did a good job so far. I"m glad to hear you were able to get some good bites in there though.

    I noticed the same as you did on the 4th workout!!!!

    I've also figured out what problem I'm having with my leg. Shin splints. Ha. Go figure. And I am also having problems with it. AGAIN. Well tomorow is my cardio day, which means I'll try the elliptical out for at least half an hour, and that should be pretty easy on my leg. And tuesday is my rest day, so hopefully wens my leg will be healed enough to do day 6 of 30DS :)
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Has anyone else done the level 2yet? I'm on day 8 tonight and my body isnt respondin the way it did threw the level 1. Ive not had any soreness, the day after, but the night i do the workout, i get worn out, out of breath and have to stop for a few seconds .. Any one else have this happen?

    I've had a few issues but I'm only on level 1 and My body does NOT take exercising well at all. :\ SOoo that's probably not much help. But after each exercise I'm out of breath and I'm shaky and feel like falling over, if that counts :)
  • ellanoise
    ellanoise Posts: 18 Member
    I did cardio yesterday and did day 3 level 1 today. I don't have weights so I am using soup cans. I still cannot do too many push ups, but I am improving.
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    Well, it's Monday morning and I got myself to complete Day 6 of Level 1! Now I remember why I quit early on months ago when I did it. I may need to add another workout. I found myself yawning at one point! I didn't feel tired at all when I started this morning. hmmm..