

  • If you like lime, there is something that I take to work that I can pick on all day or have it all at my lunch time: I buy Green Smith Apple (the one that has the strongest taste of all) and hard as rock green mango (It will taste a little sweet anyway but that makes a perfect combination for this salad). I peel the skin…
  • Yeap, A Corona Light 12 oz =. 99 cal or a Coronita 7 oz = 58 cal. That will make you feel full too! :happy: I that I want to sabotage the diet, but for me a lunch or dinner out w/o any beer or wine is just not fun at all. Otherwise, If you want to be on the safe side, just order A Glass of Water with Half Green…
  • I'd like to know how are you doing! Did you hit those extra 5 pounds down? I hope you're still in the happy jeans and I'm planning on following your example. I'm 47 and 204 pds. I Need to go down 54 pds. hopefully by July. I need to be in good shape for a vacation in Costa Rica! Your post was very motivating.