xMoppie38 Member


  • I don't necessairily want to lose weight but I do want to lose fat. I mean that it's not really about the numbers for me. I just want to get rid of that last layer of fat to reveal a hopefully toned body lol. Too bad it just won't come off! But I don't want to go on a strict diet or anything, my family will think I'm nuts…
  • Wow congrats! And good luck on the other 50! By the way, I loveeee that dress you wear in month #9 it looks so good on you!
  • I guess your husband really needed that wake up call! I bet, as all men, he didn't even have a clue your weight bothered you that much. But please don't be sad about the rollercoasers, or a ruined day, because now it had inspired you to take the challenge and lose the weight., and that's a great thing right? Good luck to…
  • Hii! I'm in my second year of university, but I have the luck that I still live with my mother, so I did not (yet) gain those college pounds! Still trying too keep my weight in check though, and lose a few pounds too. Would love to be friends!