

  • I'm all for looking hot and sometimes it takes a lot of work so congratulations to you for that :) What I'm against is dressing provocatively.
  • I'm allowed to have an opinion, the same way you are. And I'm not going to tell you to "give yourself a good shake" for the opinion I assume you have.
  • It's just human nature for men to stare at women's ladyparts if they're on show. Common sense will tell you men don't respect you while they're drooling over your chest. They see you simply as a sexual object. I'm not saying men shouldn't be careful where their gaze falls, but seriously, propping up your parts or wearing…
  • I'm not a man, but if I were I would go for a woman who is naturally pretty and didn't wear makeup. Firstly because I believe women shouldn't display their beauty to non mahrams (men who aren't her blood relatives or husband), and secondly, if she looks beautiful with zero makeup, she's obviously going to look amazing with…
  • I've heard some good things about MyFitnessPal through some other people :)