TMafua Member


  • I have been using the app/program for 6 months now and have lost 28lbs. I have the will power and I have the drive to work out regularly. What has REALLY helped is keeping track of EVERYTHING I eat. It helps me to plan better and make more out of the calories I am allowed for the day. It also motivates me to work out more…
  • Thanks for sharing! I love posts like this. It's very inspirational.
  • I have a small glass of milk. About 8oz. It's not going to solve a sweet tooth or satisfy the munchies, but if you really just feel a little hungry and are trying to satisfy that to fall asleep, a little milk might work.
  • I wonder if you need a new nutritionist? Sounds like you have the right intentions to me. I started this on 4.11 and have lost 15 lbs by following the 'lose 2 lbs a week' plan. I work out 5 days a week and spend 1 hour on the elliptical. I also watch what types of food I am eating. Not all calories are the same, right? One…