LOL thats hilarious!
I did my first DU and handstand this weekend. my goal is to be able to do HSPU by summer, even if its just one! OH, and I did 5 pull ups in a row (with a band).
I LOVE filthy fifty, and fight gone bad. those 2 are my favorite, so far. Ive been CrossFitting since Nov '12. If I were you, I would totally do it!
when I run, I listen to loud music. when I CrossFit, I focus on the exercise. netflix is a good idea, I think I might try that the next time Im on the treadmill.
I win! :D mine is $50 a mo/ unlimited I live in a very small town.... so that is why its so low.
UGH! burpees yuck! 71 is a GREAT number! you should be proud of that!
when you see a bench at a high school and try to box jump it :)
CF906 Ishpeming MI