

  • Ditto. That suit is just fabulously cool. You will triumph! Keep us updated, and best of luck in your race.
    in My new suit Comment by jgsm March 2012
  • Thanks for the link. I've enjoyed reading a few of your posts and have bookmarked it for when I have time to go back and browse a few more. Interesting reading!
    in my blog Comment by jgsm March 2012
  • This is an irritation for me too. After only about ten minutes into a workout, the tingling and numbness start to amp up more than usual, and by the end of the workout, my feet always feel webbed and my fingers are novacaine-like numb. And those are my least bothersome symptoms. The overheating seems to also really effect…
  • Benji, thanks for the suggestion. I make sure I get at least 9 cups of water each day, but looking back at my food diary over the past month, I see my water intake has fallen from about 13-15 cups/day to between 9 -11. So, I'll try and ramp that back up and see if it helps any.
  • Yeah, I definitely go through spells of joint pain/ issues. The pain sensation varies- it's not always the same feeling or even in the same joints and it's kinda hard to even exactly describe it. Sometimes it's just kind of vaguely achy; other times it's a crushing agony. But as a few have already mentioned- it almost…
    in Joint pain Comment by jgsm February 2012
  • Rob- what an inspirational story! That put such a smile on my face just reading it! You have to be so proud of yourself and know that you can once again meet your goals. What a positive outlook- I'm so glad you're part of our group now!
    in New group! Comment by jgsm January 2012
  • Hi Erica! Welcome! Adding you now.
  • It was a really hard lesson for me to learn, but I try to listen to my body as much as possible. Mornings are by far, physically, the best time of the day for me- so if I'm feeling it then, I usually can't count on things improving much as the day goes on. And although it takes a serious internal lecture to convince myself…
  • I do this, too. I'm a huge planner, especially when it comes to food (when it comes to pretty much everything, really) . I have weekly menus, snacks for kids, shopping lists, etc always planned out, written down, kept track of..... I do think it helps me focus on healthy eating better. If I know what I'm going to have for…
    in Pre-posting Comment by jgsm January 2012
  • New here in the last couple of days. 37 yr old mother of three. Any of y'all feel free to add me!
  • LOVE!! the quote. So appropriate for the new year. I'm new here too- well, to the message boards, I go through fits and spurts of keeping the food diary, so I thought maybe being a part of the community would make it a little easier to stay motivated and dedicated. Here's hoping. Feel free to add me if you'd like some…
  • Hi Liz! Let's help each other!
  • Hi There! I'm also a busy mom to three. I don't work outside the home, but help my husband with his business, homeschool my youngest (12 yr old) and feel like I'm constantly running him and my other two (16 & 14) around to sports and practices and school functions and friends, etc. I'm new to the boards, but looking for…