I gotta do this thing one step at a time.

New to the myftinesspal.com website. Excited to add it to my life. I've always heard journaling what you consume and your workouts helps you become more aware of just how much you do (or dont do) to let your body look and feel how it does. Found a quote that I believe is just what I need to get going on here and thought I'd share...

"I choose to live by choice- not by chance.
To make changes - not excuses.
To be motivated - not manipulated.
To be useful - not used.
To excel - not compete.
I choose self-esteem - not self-pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice - not the random opinion of others."


  • jgsm
    jgsm Posts: 16
    LOVE!! the quote. So appropriate for the new year. I'm new here too- well, to the message boards, I go through fits and spurts of keeping the food diary, so I thought maybe being a part of the community would make it a little easier to stay motivated and dedicated. Here's hoping. Feel free to add me if you'd like some support.