

  • Ten years ago in my twenties I always said I had no regrets even though I had made mistakes. Now, in my thirties...well if I had known how it would end I definitely would have changed some things. I could never regret the feelings and love I had shared, but I regret how others may have been hurt by me. We can be so selfish…
  • Agreed! I haven't given up anything completely. Something like Dr Pepper (regular) I just have once a week. Somethings I can just substitute for a lower cal/fat version. Other foods that aren't good for me at all I just only eat them when I really really want it. Like everyone else has mentioned already portion control and…
  • One thing you can do is get one of those exercise velcro body wrap things. You wrap it tightly around your middle and it helps you keep the water weight down. Plus it almosts acts like a heating pad if you are cramping.
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