

  • Jefit doesn't let me know what settings the equipment should be at (really looking for: name of equipment, weight amount, reps, and sets).
  • I set my sugars at 84 and I almost ALWAYS max. For example, today my only real sugar sources were my coffee, no sugar added/100 calorie fudge bar, 16 oz of Honest Tea (16 g sugar), and a 6 oz yogurt, and I'm over by 45. I have no idea what a realistic number to put down might be. I realize the natural sugars (like fruit)…
  • CPAP your snorers, spouses and SOs! Mine used to be absolutely terrifying until he lost some weight (helped a lot) and got a CPAP (eliminated). They're not comfortable and it's definitely an adjustment, but from what I understand, snoring is usually indicative of more severe problems (as others have mentioned), and it's…
  • Got to try this out for free through my company for the first time this summer....loved it! Now to save for a PB of my own... I've been kayaking for years, but this might be my new thing.
  • Of course it does. The 8-10 cups/day is nothing more than a guideline to give people something concrete to aim for, it's not necessary to be militant about how you contribute toward your hydration (especially as our daily water intake does not even solely come from what we drink, unless everything you eat is dehydrated).
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