melinade Member


  • hello, i am on my first week. was not to thrilled with the cardo #1 dvd. my body is sore today so decided to skip today and not sure if that is a good idea or not.
  • @jkog, yes i agree hopefully the cardio 2 is better. i did get another cardo tape from JM extreme shed & shred. have you tried that workout yet? i wish i could figure out what the calorie burn is on each day with her tapes but not sure how to figure it out.
  • i have the jillian body revolution and i am on phase #1 and just did the morning the cardio 1. was not to thrilled with it. running back and fourth in a living room just dont cut it..but did the best with it. i am going to stick with it and can only hope the other cardios are better. i do have an extra 45 min cardio tape…
  • :smile: lol
    in hi Comment by melinade October 2012
  • hello my name is melinda. i am on day 2 of the JM Revolution. i am a wife and mom of two kids; 12 & 14. life is intereting to say the least and time is hard to fit in for myself. i belonged to tilton fitness but finding the time to go and when i did go i felt guilty i was not home with the family, so i decided to quit the…
  • :smile: Hello everyone, i just signed up today and ready to start my program tomorrow. i am very excited and cant wait to met new people to take this journey with me. :smile: