

  • Hey! I noticed this when I was in my nutrition class for nursing school and we had to keep track of everything we ate for a week. I was exactly like you, I was doing great on everything EXCEPT sodium!!! It was through the roof!!! So here are the foods to stay away from if you are really watching your sodium: *ANYTHING…
  • I've tried about every protein drink there is out there and even working out with a personal trainer, I wasn't getting the results I wanted! Then i found Herbalife. I did 2 shakes a day and 2 teas and one food meal with protein snacks in between and I lost 15 lbs in 5 weeks!!! I still drink the Herbalife shakes and my body…
  • LOVE my Herbalife Healthy Meal shake! No cooking, easy cleanup, fast, and PERFECT nutrition! :D
  • Herbal Aloe Concentrate! I am a Personal Wellness Coach, and you are NOT alone! I have helped SO many clients with this issue! If you'd like to give it a try, here's my website: Msg me if you have any questions at all! Kristi:smile: