

  • she looks Great! when i get to 140 I hope I look that good. but I am only 5'6" but with 4inch heels i may look amazing like her wink...
  • I have to same issue too. I've lost over 20 lbs and counting and still have a large gut from my frame. I was wearing 16/14 and now almost 12 i tried on a dress and it was too big in breast fitted fine in upper waist and tight at waist and hips because of my gut. My legs are smaller and toned and arms smaller and face slim…
  • i dont cheat, i put the good ,bad an ugly, but food choices r an individual thing and not cheating. if i drink or eat to much i work out hard the next day and eat less. no one is perfect and you can eat fries small and still lose weight it's about portion size and making better choices, you can always plana meal like I do…
  • I think canned fruit is not good for you and full of preservatives. Why not eat fresh fruit or a smoothie with fruit added to it and protein whey for a snack?
  • Hi I just signed up for this site and it is wonderful and wish i've known about this in the past. Anyway so far so good I worked out 6 times this week the computer estimates if I keep this up I will lost 23 ibs in 5 weeks so I hope they are right. My calories are in a not high enough that I am consuming lose 2 lbs per week…