

  • caffeine inhibits the body's ability to make antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which is a chemical secreted by the kidneys to concentrate urine (pull water out of the mix to keep you hydrated). It's not a big deal so long as you drink enough water to overcome the effects of the caffeine. So in order to be safe you might want to…
  • I LOVE food...and let's be honest that rolo ice cream sounds AMAZING. We've all got our escapes for when we're down. Some people get lost online, spending time with friends/family. Heck, some people actually do drugs (heaven forbid), some read books, etc etc. A lot of us use food, but most of us have something else that…
  • I find that if I have a good cardio workout (running or elliptical), I can burn 600-800 calories (in about 45-50mins, then I can have a decent meal, still make my calorie and weightloss goals, and not feel like I'm starving. But when I don't get to exercise, I feel the same as you...and I eat carrots as well.
  • Your body will burn a certain number of calories to keep you alive. Pumping blood, digesting food, thinking, etc etc all require energy. Each individual takes a certain number of calories just to stay alive. When you eat/drink less than that number your body can't get the energy(calories) from food so it pulls it from…
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