

  • Coat a non-stick skillet with olive oil spray, brown up some garlic & onions (chopped). ((I do cheat & use a little omega 2 butter)) Throw in either scallops, chicken or shrimp & a little chicken broth. Let it reduce down, allowing your protein to cook. Toss in a little of your favorite cheese, my girls love parmesan.…
  • Good luck, remember it's not just weight loss, it's life-gain!!:wink:
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Ate less than I planned! Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes on food, no on exercise. What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Went to my OA meeting and had a huge salad before my dinner! What would I have done differently? Found some time for myself during the day.…
  • Being a woman, that was 311 just last year, I can really relate to your friend. My grandfather used to come down on me ALL the time! and I really resented him for that. Is there any activity that she likes to do? I didn't like to go out in public, because of my size. And I certainly would not have stepped into the gym,…
  • HI, I just saw this group & had to reply. I started my weight loss on 11/16/09, after my doctor told me to lose 40 before my surgery on 2/16/10. I weighed in today DOWN 12!!! Then I saw this post and said, I will try to take off another 8 before the 25th. (to make it an even 20!) Wish myself and yourselves well!! I will…
  • Hi, I will join your team. I pledged last year, in January, and lost 30+. Unfortunately, I ate my way through the summer & gained 20 back. This time I will lose that and another 20, because I need surgery on 2/16/09 and she won't do it unless I lose 40 by then. So far, 12 down and 28 to go. The two differences are, this…
  • Thank you, good luck to you!!
  • Thank you, good luck to you!!
  • I just joined O.A. too. I like my meetings, hope you find them rewarding. Congrats on your progress!! How long ago did you start? I started on the 17th of November & have lost 8, so far. Need to lose 40 total by 2/16/10 for surgery. If I can help kep you going, send me a note...I don't know how to use this system yet. Sue
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