You cannot spot train or lose fat in certain areas by doing specific exercises. As the saying goes, "Abs are made in the kitchen". Get you diet under control and maintain a constant caloric deficit for a significant amount of time and you will get that hourglass shape. I didn't mention exercise since you said that you are…
Chances are that you are increasing your lean body mass while lowering your bodyfat if you are remaining the same weight yet losing inches. This is an ideal situation. Forget the number on the scale and keep at it.
Lots of misinformation in this thread. Your body fat comes off in layers, like an onion. The areas that are largest to begin with will be the last place the fat is lost. Often times, because of this, what you may see in the mirror can be disappointing due to the fact that your stomach will look larger proportionally…
This is right on the money. However, the benefit of a scale that measures bodyfat is that if you can see a trend if you use the scale under the same conditions. For example, I use mine every Friday morning at the same time and graph the results. While the measurement may not be completely accurate, the bodyfat measurement…
Hi there. You need to figure out your BMR. Here is the best calculator that I know of and I've helped many people lose fat with it. The biggest factor in losing fat is creating a constant calorie deficit. It also helps to lift weights as the more muscle you have on your body, the…