

  • WW said tea and coffee also counted for your 8 cups per day. Although juice is good for you, it does have a lot more calories than just eating the fruit and fruit will stay with you longer. If you are in a dry environment, it is suggested you drink even more than the 8 cups. Try adding flavored Stevia of SF flavors to your…
  • Although I always seem to be motivated by vacations....I want to live each day by making the better food choices and exercise regularly. In the past, once the vacation is over you do go back to your old habits and slowly, the pounds are back and you're doing the same thing over and over. After losing 24#, I can finally say…
  • I had a rough go with periomenopause as well. Luckily, the hot flashes stopped ad I'm feeling almost normal again. Of course, trying to shed some of the extra weight I gained too. I'm looking forward to all the support on MFP, they sound wonderful. Feel free to add me as a friend....all who is going through this or has…
  • I, too, am new....welcome! I'd like to add you to my friend list. Add me if you'd like. You can never have too many supporters. Good luck!
  • If you don't want your metabolism to slow down, you need to eat something within an hour of waking up, if you can. Protein always stays with you longer (try Canadian bacon...very lean and low cals) and if you like eating yogurt, change it to Greek yogurt that has more protein in it. If you try to eat several times a day,…
  • I have found the closer you are to your goal the slower it seems. If you are doing the same exercises, you might have to change what you are doing or increase the time. From past experience, continue to stay on your food plan and exercise and you will get the results you want. I also agree with the other responder, measure…