Speckle38 Member


  • Speaking of diet, my brother was a vegetarian for many years simply because he doesn’t enjoy meat, but his arthritis has improved since he started eating some meat.
  • My brother has a similar arthritic condition. He walks daily with his dog - they do loooong walks. And he swims, although not as much as he used to. My colleague who has RA walks a lot, and she dances. She dances at a competitive/performance level, so it’s not something she just picked up overnight.
  • I gave mine up about 4 months ago. I haven’t missed it. My phone tracks my steps when I have it on me, and I was/am using it to track my exercise routes anyway.
  • :D Your mistake was democracy. I told my family it was going to be outside on the deck, and we just stacked the furniture out of the way. We now have CrossFit equipment that my son borrowed from his gym, gym and yoga mats, 3 sets of hand weights, weighted hula hoops, and potentially a treadmill If I can be bothered to move…
  • I’m parenting 3 children on my own half the time because my partner works away. Meal planning has actually helped us to stop picking. On the weekend, I plan the meals for the week, and I put them on the fridge. I normally do the grocery shopping online and pick it up on the way home from work. I find that if I know what…
  • I am similar height, weight and activity level. I have mine set to lightly active. On my non-working days, I easily double my step count.
  • Since people are coming back, I will put my reasons. I work and study and my husband is away half the time. This is what I get from meal kits: * Convenience - 4 meals a week that I don’t have to plan or shop for. * Variety - New recipes that I don’t have to search for or think about. I tend to cook things I know the…
  • Answered before I realised this is a ghost thread.
  • My brother has psoriatic arthritis, and although he was vegetarian for years, it has improved since he started eating meat. He is very fussy about meat quality - he doesn’t really enjoy it, which is why he was vegetarian in the first place, so he still eats a predominantly plant-based diet.
  • My 10yo got one for his birthday. He is super active, easily tracking over 25K steps per day. He got bored with it very quickly because he won every family challenge.
  • Definitely get a thermal container. My children have Thermos brand food containers. When they take leftovers, I preheat the thermos with boiling water and microwave the food before putting it in. They eat it about 4 hours later and it’s still warm.
  • Do you have scales? Tare them to the bottle, fill it with water, then weight it again. 1 gram = 1 ml of water.
  • It's very important to remember that gestational diabetes is caused by hormonal changes, not diet, although it does put you at higher risk of developing Type II diabetes later on. I had GD during my second pregnancy, but not in the first or third. My only risk factor at the time was my age. I was testing my blood 4 times a…
  • I work part time, and have 3 children, all school aged. My work days are sedentary. On my home days, I sometimes have 10,000 steps up by 9am. I have my activity level set to lightly active.
  • For breakfast, I usually eat low fat natural yoghurt, fruit and granola OR 2 slices of wholegrain toast with whatever topping I choose. For lunch, I often take leftovers from dinner, or I'll take bread and fresh ingredients to make a sandwich at work. I keep a few things in the fridge too, like cream cheese spread. We have…
  • In Defence of Food was recommended by a chef in my bookclub a few years ago. I found it interesting, and the general message very simple and sensible. My favourite recipes use only a few fresh ingredients and take minimal time to prepare, even for a family of 5.
  • I can't stand smoked salmon. I find it very salty. I buy salmon fillets, wrap them in foil, then bake or barbecue for 20-30 mins depending on how thick the fillet is. They don't dry out because of the foil, and they're super easy to do. I also do an asian-style salmon and marinate them in soy, garlic and ginger, and stir…
  • One of my friends did the FODMAPs elimination and challenges and successfully identified 3 main triggers for her IBS symptoms. When she started, it took over a month of following the diet before she was symptom free, and the dietician had her wait until she'd had at least 2 weeks with no symptoms before starting the food…
  • Don't expect it to be quick. How long will you be doing the elimination phase? My friend did the elimination and challenges last year. It was a few weeks before she felt any better, and she lost a lot of weight during the elimination, but by the end of it all, she has identified 3 main trigger foods (which all contain the…
  • If I was growing 2kg pears on a regular basis, I'd be aiming to break the Guinness World Record for heaviest pear.
  • It's worth speaking with a dietician who understands it, as if it's done properly, the elimination and challenges can take months, not weeks. One of my close friends did it last year. Before starting, she had coeliac, Crohns and ulcerative colitis ruled out as causes of her problems. She followed the low FODMAPS diet for 6…
  • Actually, the above post reminds me - I was scheduled for induction at 38 weeks, but didn't make it that far. I only gained 20lb during the pregnancy, and the baby was born just before 37 weeks, weighing 3kg (~7lb), so was probably on a par with the full-term sizes of my other two babies, who were both born overdue.
  • I had gestational diabetes in one of my 3 pregnancies, and I managed it with diet alone as I had other complications that meant I was under doctors orders to also keep my activity levels low. The most important thing to remember is gestational diabetes is not caused by diet. It is caused by hormonal changes of pregnancy,…
  • We lived in a small town (pop. 1500) and people just asked for the things they wanted from the one store. We were very limited as everything was shipped from our nearest major city, and took 5 days to get to us, so all bread, milk, meat, etc was brought in frozen. Without flying, there was nowhere else to go. The store…
  • I've got some pdf documents that I was given by the diabetic dietician when I had gestational diabetes. They're Australian, and very general - lists of low, medium and high GI foods and free fruits and veges that don't impact blood sugar at all. I found it easy to switch to low GI where appropriate. I was testing my blood…
  • I wouldn't get one for your wrist if you can't wear it all day at work. Get the free Fitbit Zip and see how you like it. I've been using a Polar HRM for about 15 years or cardio exercise only, so it pre-dates the types that you're looking at. I recently got a Fitbit Flex and the real benefit of the Fitbit is the constant…
  • One of my friends did a low FODMAPs elimination and challenges. She lost 12+ pounds during the elimination (it was more than she needed to lose) and has identified 3 triggers, including wheat, but not gluten. Identifying her triggers has changed her life. Good luck to you both.
  • My husband took his Jawbone back 3 times to be replaced, then asked for a refund and got a Fitbit instead. I have a Flex, he has a Charge HR.
  • If you didn't take them out of the box, they may not have been properly balanced and steady on the floor. My colleague and I were away for work and she wanted to weigh herself after 2 weeks, so we tried a set that were still in the box and the results were under by 17kg for me and. 20kg for her.
  • Exercising doesn't have to be hard work. My first was a non-sleeper, so when he woke up for the day at 5.30am, I would feed him, put him in the stroller and go for a walk for an hour. I found that much more enjoyable than battling to get him back to sleep, and I was in pre-pregnancy clothes at my 6-week check-up. When he…