

  • Congratulations on your success and best wishes are the remainder of your journey. You are doing so well, all I can say is keep it up!!! Seems like when you were down, you got right back up and continued your journey to a new you. I hope you feel great pride in all you have accomplished, and know that you are going to make…
  • I hear so much, both pro and con, about artifical sweeteners. May I ask why each of you gave it up? I am considering it too, but so far, I am still on the fence about it. I would appreciate your feedback about it. Thanks so much. Hang in there as it sounds like you are both doing great without it!
  • I totally agree. It doesn't feel like you are missing out on anything with chocolate covered strawberries. The strawberries are in season now and yummy and that little bit of chocolate just hits the spot. Great idea, thanks for sharing !
  • hey there! I have been taking B 12, multi vitamin, Vit D3. I am not much of a morning person and have found the whey protein (sold at Walmart and other pricey stores) helpful for me. Just a scoop in water in the morning and I am good to go. It is much better than me skipping breakfast and the protein stays with me till…