charline66 Member


  • Hey I am 5 2" as well, currently 142, lost 7 lbs in the last 3 weeks - slow and steady, target 120. I just had my gym program changed and the instructor did tell me that weights help you burn calories over an extended period of time, especially combined with core (planks, bridges etc)., so thats what I will be doing from…
  • Hi I am 47, and have been on MFP for 30 days now and lost 7lb. I gave up smoking 3 years ago, and put on 35lb and that needs to come OFF - I am fitter now that I have been in 20 years, gym at least 3 times a week and trying to swim twice a week. Have bought a bike so my husband and I can go cycling when the weather…
  • Welcome Good luck, stay focused and don' beat yourself up when you have a bad day :) Feel free to add me!!
  • Hi I came back on Monday, determined to do it this time!! Add me:happy:
  • Over 40, here too!! Add me
  • Hey Bex Add me, lets try and motivate each other. I am from London, now live in Surrey!! Charlie
  • Hi Fell free to add me :) My husband had a heart attack a couple of years ago at age 45, and we totally changed our lifestyle (my weight gain is through giving up smoklng). I understand your thinking, and will try to help motivate you when the going gets tough! Charlie
  • I have been sitting at my desk complaining that I want "something nice", and walked out to the vending machine and actually managed to talk myself out of crisps or chocolate in favour of an Alpen bar sitting on my desk. Helped with the promise of a glass of wine tonight !!
  • Hi 5'2 here, us shorties should stick together - its so much harder for us to 'carry' any extra weight! We all need to motivate each other. Add me :smile:
  • Hi I have been on here for about two weeks now and feel really motivated, try setting small goals ie. a certain weight loss by Christmas, I find if I can see a result in the short terms it helps to stay motivated. Add me we need all the support we can get :)
  • Hi I'm from Surrey, just joined over a week ago and have lost 4llbs !!! Aim to lose 20llbs by Christmas. Feel free to add me. Charlie
  • Hi Started last week, and would love to lose 15Ib's by Xmas. I already feel more motivated just tracking my food intake, and it is motivating my to go to the gym more (and I hate the GYM!!) CW 144 TW 120 Please add me :)
  • Hi I am new to this too, also belong to the gym (just need to go more regularly !!!). Going to find it hard to give up the chocolate and wine, well cut down anyway. Need to lose about a stone and half as a result of stopping smoking. Please add me I need all the motivation I can get, and will support you too! Charlie