SarahDeeGee Member


  • I'd say if you feel good and you're living a healthy lifestyle, that's what matters. When I lost weight (just 7-8 lbs), I had guy friends tell me I looked better "curvy." Yeah, my chest and bum get smaller when I exercise, as I have a naturally athletic build underneath. But I don't like the way I feel 7-8 lbs heavier, so…
  • You need to find a local place with a Tanita scale. It will tellyou exactly what your Basal Metabolic Rate is. For example, mine is 1364. This is how many calories my body burns per day just to stay alive...what I would burn if I literally laid in bed all day. In other words, it's really not a good idea to go below your…
  • When they say slow and steady wins the race, they aren't kidding. Quick and easy might seem like a good option. But it's just small, incremental doses of overall failure that set you back even more, because they get in the way of you actually developing healthy, permanent habits. Say to yourself. Okay...nine pounds, so…
  • P.S. I also meant to say to get jell-o pudding. They have sugar free and fat free boxes of mis in white chocolate, chocolate, cheesecake and pistachio. They are about $1. You mix them with two cups of skim milk, and you have four 1/2-cup (70-cal) servings of pudding. This not only is good for you because it has calcium,…
  • I used to do this exact thing. You have two problems that are leading to this: 1) Carbs are literally, physically addictive. This is because they cause a spike in your blood sugar, leading to a release in endorphins and energy. Carbs are a "quick fix" too...meaning, when your body has low energy, carbs provide an instant…
  • Eating a lot of fiber, fruit and vegetables can cause this too, but it's normal. Sometimes eating foods rich in potassium or taking a Vitamin K supplement can help. Try bananas, kiwis or Special K cereal.
  • Hey girl, I am 5'6"/5'7" and I have a long distance guy too. :) I am trying to lose seven pounds before I see him in January, so I had to do some figuring on my own because it is only a month away, and it is only recommended you lose 2 lbs per week at most. Here is how I figured out what I needed to do: Based on a…
  • when you get on the scale with your eyes shut...slowly opening one eye, then the other...and realizing that by following the math/science of dieting, you have finally started losing weight. No pills, no "if I only eat 800 calories per day I'll get skinny," no "eating will make me fat" mentality. It's just science!
  • Red wine at about 124 cal per glass is technically the healthiest. First of all, because of the antioxidants. Second, because it's also something you can savor and sip slow, and it enhances the palette for certain foods. (Aphrodisiac too, I might add.) Second, light beer. It's easy to keep track of the calories, and they…