

  • I made it last night and took it to work. I made three small cauliflower crusted pizzas, 2 with turkey pepperoni, mush, onion and garlic sauteed, bell peppers in all colors. Also made one that was just the Veges. Ladies at work loved them!
  • My nutritionist says that you should not deprive yourself. She actually encouraged me to cheat twice a week but not to the extreme. A pizza day or chinese food once in a while is not bad as long as you dont over do it. Dont beat yourself up, it was good, and it is over. Today is a brand new day!
  • I understand what you are saying. I work with several ladies that are losing weight fast, one is using HCG, one had the sleeve, one had gastri bypass surgery, one had a balloon put in her stomach. To evasive for my taste and according to my nutritionist some not all will put the weight back on and they go through horribe…
  • Google says for a 150lb person 200 calories roughly for 30 minutes. It increases with more activities you do while jumping.
  • This sounds delicious, I am definitely making this one. thanks